It's hard to know why I hold out in hope, sometimes, and do my best to maintain a life of practiced discipline.
Ooohhh, practiced discipline...sounds important and super-pretentious, yeah?
It actually just means I try to stay involved in stuff that I have no rational hope of completing, and stay involved every day, mind and body.
I mean, no rational hope does not rule out miracles, right?
I know the end is coming,
and Death will be here soon
for I hear a distant drumming
from the far side of the Moon.
My body's grown so tired;
there's blood in all I do,
and it's hard to be inspired
with the bad things coming true.
But I will not stop fighting
though the reason's long forgot
in the thunder and the lightning
of a night that's come so fraught.
One day all may be revealed,
but till then, by God's love I'm sealed.
Music from Mike and the Mechanics, with All I Need Is A Miracle.
Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.
Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.
Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.
You are the miracle, Andrew. Been waiting for your post. May Our Dear Lord be with you in this, in these darkest moments. You are a sacrament of love. Your sharing and your discipline is your loving sacrifice for all of us. You reflect Jesus and his own wounds. You are in his sacred heart. You are part of the cross that bridges heaven and earth. One day we will be where you are now. Pray for us, that we are as brave and disciplined as you are.
ReplyDeleteChristine, I'm just so honoured by your words...truly, you've given my heart a lift at the end of a very dark and frightening day, and I'm so very, very grateful
DeleteI'm truly overwhelmed.
"I have fought the good fight." Not many of us will have the honor of saying that Andrew, ... but you can. Yes, despite all the ghosts of Christmas' past, you CAN. "by God's love I'm sealed." No truer words. You are his very dear and beloved letter to us. Signed, sealed and soon delivered. Give Jesus a big hug for me when you see him.
ReplyDeleteJane, thank you so much...and you can bet that I will give Jesus that big hug from you, and I'll tell Him about you besides.
DeleteAndrew, you are amazing. Not many people who are suffering, evena lot less than you, could have your positive attitude. And your poetry is well written, too. Of course I won't stop praying for you.
ReplyDeleteJan, gosh...I am so appreciative of this. One thing I have learned, and it is suprising, is that the worse things get the easier it is to be positive, and the brightest hope shines in the night of hopelessness.
DeleteAnd thank you so much for the prayers!