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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Ladder Of Success (Tell His Story)

 There is almost nothing sadder
(so few things at all!)
than placing your success-climb ladder 
against, yeah, the wrong wall
and looking over at a view 
you didn't need to see.
"What, oh, what, now, can I do,
what is there left for me?"
Well, you have climbed up this far
and made some muscles strong.
so tak a look at how things are
if you're not where you belong,
play the man, accept the pain,
and begin your climb again.

Sylvia's thoughts: "If there's no ice cream, you're in the wrong place."

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Friday, January 10, 2025

The Most And Least Of These



There are no problems for the rich,
they need not wear a frown,
but this week nature was a bitch,
and Malibu burned down.
The wealthy and their servants
were all one in the mass,
and if we are observant
this thought might come to pass,
that wealth is no protection 
from a world that's wrapped in flame,
and the only real suggestion 
is to hold fast to the name
of the One who calmed the seas,
who cares for 'most' and 'least' of these.

Sylvia would give out free ice cream.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Evangelical Fails (Tell His Story)

 Please, dear Lord, just let us rest
as this brand new year begins.
Please don't send another test
to remind us of our sins,
of how we stood while others turned
away from Love and Grace.
Our shuttered hearts should well have burned
resolute, that they might see your face.
We fear, I think what we'd be called
when You call us to evangelize,
and I believe You are appalled,
and golden tears form in Your eyes
to fall upon Heaven's bright street 
where His hope and despair meet.

Sylvia wags her tail in agreement, but then, she never shies away from encouragement, especially where ice cream's concerned.

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Thursday, January 2, 2025

From Here To There

So what on earth is it about,
this starting of the year?
Will we ever figure out 
just how we arrived here,
with mindless hate and ISIS flags,
and fifteen disappeared,
and with their faces hid by rags,
many people cheered.
How do we live Christ's example,
how do we love the worst of these?
Is it normal or outlier sample,
can love cure this disease?
I don't know, but yet I care
to get from dreadful here to There.

Syl agrees, and might even share her ice cream, if it would help.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year's Resolution (Tell His Story)

Maybe the best New Year's promise is honestly.

I set my resolution
for the coming year
to show there's no solution 
in not showing fear,
for dread has gripped the heart of me,
and makes me want to fly
across some strange and distant sea
and bid cancer goodbye.
To deny this is untrue,
a weakness, not a strength,
and so I will pledge to you
to not go on at length
about the terrors that I feel,
but I will admit they're real.

Sylvia says, don't be afraid, Dad. God's here, and so am I.

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day


Yes, it is hard to resist 
the siren call of Boxing Day
and the mighty thunder-fist
of the greatest, Cassius Clay,
who floated like a butterfly 
for all the sporting world to see,
far faster than the quickest eye,
stung just like an angry bee,
leaving losers sore amazed
(with the emphasis on 'sore'),
and the Lord God, to be praised,
saw the best, and raised up more
to challenge renamed Muh'mad Ali,
and so He set Mike Tyson free.

Granted, Mike Tyson never fought Muhammad Ali...but what a bout that would have been!

Sylvia thinks that Boxers are just econo-Pitties.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Football For Christmas


Because of a switch in phones...I write these things on a Smartphone...I missed my normal Thursday night posting (Barb says it's not right to say 'I' and normal in the same paragraph, much less sentence), and so, here's one for Christmas.

It's something that just does appall
(what else is there to say?),
but they're making guys play football 
upon this Christmas Day,
for linemen too have family,
and yearn for Christmas cheer
gathered 'round the shining tree
this one day of the year,
and it feels wrong to tune on in
and hunt for Buff'lo wings,
impatient for game to begin,
while spurning finer things,
and anyway, passion's not fired
since the GOAT went and retired.

If you have to ask, yeah, Tom Brady.

Sylvia had a thought... Buffalo hot wings flavoured ice cream...