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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 473 - Efficient Service, Excellent Character....for Christ {FMF}

Efficiency of service &  Excellence of character

Many of us are witnessing the next adult steps of the younger generation, and walk a little prouder due to their achievements.

Our nephew graduated from Virginia Military Institute (VMI), donned his Marine uniform for the first official time,  was pinned by his mother & sister,  saluted by his father, and if that wasn't enough he crowned it with the Society of Cincinnati Medal (the faculty award for efficiency of service &  excellence of character).

As a non-parent the view of such a milestone is very different.   I provided no influence for this young man's achievements,  and was only a distant family member.  Yet,  there is honor in that very distance, causing me to pause and consider...there are graduates in whom their families believe and have in them witnessed the very same strong attributes.

What does it mean to be an Efficient Servant?  What are the characteristics of Excellence?   Many first thoughts are those of achievements.   The Bible gives us the guidelines for both and reminds us that in our striving for both pitfalls will occur.  In the guidelines, the Bible also reminds us of how we respond to the pitfalls an Efficient Servant & an Excellent character manifest

Congratulations to the graduates of educational levels and vocation.  May you continue to strive for growth in life,  may you find your grounding and footing when challenged,  may you look inwardly for knowledge & act with grace in Wisdom, and may you daily walk humbly with your Savior.

One personal note : I, Barbara, have had many growth influences in my nearly 55 years.   Mom always placed spiritual ones in my path, luckily for us the Jesus movement was strong in those days. There were many musical influences; John Michael Talbot was one.   I was given a great gift by Andrew to see John preform in a 300 year old church in Albuquerque last week.   The video below isn't from that church but is still the essence of the spiritual evening I experienced.

If you're interested, you can find Andrew Budek-Schmeisser's books on Amazon.


  1. (((Hugs))) What a wonderful gift. :) Have a peaceful evening.

  2. Melinda, yes it was. I'd waited a very long time for the experience and it was worth the wait.

    Restful evening to you as well.

  3. How awesome that you got to go to his concert! Thank you for your thoughtful words.

  4. How cool that you got to go to the concert. Influences are a gift. It's amazing to me who God has placed in my life at the right time and place.

  5. Tara, our non-family influences are usually surprises. Glad I was able to grind those memories to life.

  6. Barbara, I remember his music well from years ago! How wonderful to be encouraged again by his music. "God alone is enough." Amen! Praying for you & Andrew.

    1. Joanne, he has a new album too.
      I got a free album with the older music with his brother. Very Crosby Steels and Nash tempo

  7. Thank you for sharing all of this and yes I agree what a gift.

    1. Paula, thank you for taking time in your day to read and respond. We pray for our blog family to flourish.

  8. Lovely gift. How's the new birdhouse doing? Is it serving the feathered friend?

    1. There are a couple of bird species checking out the real-estate. No lodgers yet, it's only been 24 hours.

  9. My favorite music is on an old CD called Brother to Brother by Michael Card and John Michael Talbot.

    1. Janet, that's a good album. I've gone months without a song in my heart. This gift has placed my grounding back.

  10. He is performing in our area in June. I hope to be able to go. Congratulations to your nephew. Pitfalls and the right response. Still learning he to respond. A daily thing. Thank you Barbara for your thoughts. I love this music you posted. I am #27 this week.

    1. Mary, go !! It's is so worth the $20.00
      I believe all of us have to learn response, it's not innate.

  11. Marie, great point. Thank you for sharing.

    I will show my age again, ZZ Top beard.

  12. Lovely! Congrats to your nephew. And I remember someone introducing me to John Michael Talbot back in college—wonderful music.

  13. J, thank you. He's spirit is still genuine
