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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Your Dying Spouse 151 - Missing Ewe {FMF}

Time for Five Minute Friday, the weekly keyword-inspired timed writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung ( who graciously gave me the word ahead of time...thanks, Kate!

The word is MISS.

Not feeling up to much today, so here goes...

There once was a lamb named Shiloh
who loved her corn and her milo.
She followed afar
that culinary star
and last seen, lived in a silo.

Posting that leaves me feeling a bit sheepish.

This week was also the launch of my new novel, Emerald Isle. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the FMF community, for keeping my head in the game, and my eyes up. And I owe a lot to others, too, as you'll read below.

Emerald Isle
 is about  finding the faith and hope to overcome a devastating loss, only to have to face the hard truth that sometimes God asks more than we think we can possibly give.

It's on Kindle now; a physical version will come. Please click on the cover below to go to Amazon, and learn a bit more about it.

Thanks to the hard work a dear friend I've never met, Carol Ashby, let me introduce...drum roll, please...

The paragraphs that follow come from Monday's post; not having the energy to rewrite them I just pasted them. 

Yes, Emerald Isle made it out of the shadows. It's about love and hope and death and second chances.

I's about life. 

But mainly, for me, it's about people who will pick you up when you can't walk another step, and carry you over the finish line.

I was out of strength, and, to tell the truth, out of hope.

And I did the most important thing I could have done, even though I didn't know I was doing it. I asked for help.

In participating in the blog run by the agents of the Books and Such literary agency (of which I am not a client...I don't have an agent), I mentioned that I had some work that probably, due to my physical situation, would not see the light of day.

It wasn't a cry for help or reassurance; I don't do that easily. And while there may have been some self-pity involved (some?), I don't think that was the motivator. I've seen things that are way more deserving of pity than me.

It was, as close as I can say now, with hindsight, a warning...don't  wait too long. Some day tomorrow won't come.

At any rate, the Books and Such blog community leapt to my aid, with encouragement, and in Carol's case, with editing expertise.

I cannot tell y'all how humbled I am.

Emerald Isle meant a lot to me when I wrote it; it still does. But even more, the lesson I have learned here has changed my life, even this close to its ending.

I learned that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links (they're 99 cents each). And if you'd like a free PDF, please email me at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'll gladly send them


  1. Bravo! I'm awed that you keep on pushing through. I've read some of your fiction, and you have a gift. I look forward to reading your book baby :).

    1. Anita, thank you so much! Emerald Isle had a long gestation (and I use that word deliberately, as a hint) but I'm glad it's out there. I hope you'll enjoy it!

  2. I'm not a Kindle owner but will gladly pre-order a print copy. I am an old-fashioned girl in this manner.
    God made us to not be enough alone. So thankful to see you posting again!!

    There once was a man who was dying
    He never would waste his time crying,
    But chose to bring life
    With his words to his wife
    And she loved him always for trying!
    (And all are dying but some are not living. You are living each breath with intent and fervor, Andrew! Grateful for your life every time you speak.)
    #not linked but I will soon

    1. Woot! Heinz ketchup all over me.

    2. Tammy, thank you so much...I'm very honoured. And I am grateful for YOUR life, your love, and your faith.

  3. I like commenting under Tammy because she is a true wordsmith - so I just want to repeat what she said. I bought the book. xo You had HOPE, and it changed everything.

    1. Susan, yes...Tammy is really gifted.

      I hope that you enjoy Emerald Isle. There's a lot of 'me' in there.

      Thank you so much for being here...XO and waggy tails!

  4. Strength, Andrew, strength. Thinking of you, sending you positive energy...Helen

    1. Helen, thank you...right now, need both the strength and the positive energy. I'm thrashed.

  5. HI, Andrew. Your book looks great! Celebrating with you today. Grace gift right there.

    1. Christina, thank you so much! Shared celebration rocks!

  6. HI, Andrew. Your book looks great! Celebrating with you today. Grace gift right there.

  7. Funny poem, Andrew. :) And on the serious side, I'm so glad Emerald Isle has seen the light of day. Carol is a pretty amazing lady (yes, I met her last month :) ).

    And this line: "I learned that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it." Loved it. Such truth here.

    I'm so thankful for the example you set of living life intentionally, Andrew. You truly are an inspiration. As always, I continue to pray for you and Barb and those precious dogs.

    1. Thanks so much Jeanne...and I fully agree about Carol, though we're unlikely to meet in this life.

      We so appreciate your prayers, my friend!

  8. What a cute poem! : ) I am glad you keep pressing on.

    1. Thanks so much, Kristina. I had a lot of fun writing it.

  9. I'm really enJOYing Emerald Isle, Andrew! Looking forward to the print version so I can get it for a couple of friends who can't read ebooks. Always so thankful to see you pop up in my inbox :) continued prayers for strength.

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying it, June. We'll try to get the print version up as soon as possible, and there will be an announcement here.

      We so appreciate the prayers!

  10. And "when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses" we miss nothing. Praise Him for that!

    1. Yes, Stacy...to Him all praise and glory!

  11. Bravo! The key to everything is love. The key to love is God/Christ. The key to access of that love is to share out the love by unselfish giving. Andrew, you and others in this community at BPH are wonderfully doing that. I love how you encourage us to keep on keeping on, how everyone encourages you back, and in the process, the rest of us are encouraged. God is good. You see his face in your suffering. That is a rare gift despite the other stuff. GBU Still praying. N

    1. Norma, you said this beautifully, and you've exactly hit what I have lately learned is at the heart of life. My dreams and aspirations were fleeting things, but giving such encouragement as I can is at the core of meaning, and faith.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  12. These lovelies came over to say hello to me at the church farm last Sunday and I thought you might like the pic of the smiling ewe on the right in response to your FMF ditty today... https://ruthemarriott.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/img_20160502_073745.jpg (did you know sheep can smile?!!) Blessings and prayers for you both as ever... and congrats on the new novel!

    1. IRuth, love this picture...and I didn't realize that sheep can smile. I did know that goats can laugh, because I had one laughing at me when I tried to help catch it in a Texas suburb.

      Thank you so much for the good wishes for Emerald Isle, and most especially for the prayers.

  13. These lovelies came over to say hello to me at the church farm last Sunday and I thought you might like the pic of the smiling ewe on the right in response to your FMF ditty today... https://ruthemarriott.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/img_20160502_073745.jpg (did you know sheep can smile?!!) Blessings and prayers for you both as ever... and congrats on the new novel!

  14. Still the humor, Andrew! So proud of you for finishing that book...loved the piece of it you copied in this post, and am certainly waiting for that physical copy (don't have a kindle)...

    Still thinking of you, with tears in my eyes, as I see what your words have done to touch so many people! Prayers for you and Barb continue...

    1. Barbara, thank you...your kind words and prayers mean so much to us.

      It'll be a little while...hopefully not too long...until there is a print version. (I don't have a Kindle either!)

  15. Andrew, thank you for letting us love you. We will always be standing in your corner. I'm excited to add this to my ever growing to read pile. I'm in the 68 parking spot this week.

    1. Oh, Tara...that means so much to me! Not feeling alone...what a blessing that is, one that I never fully realized.

      "Wherever two or more of you are gathered in My Name..." Truly, I have learned the truth of this.

  16. Ah the power of community! I love this so much and this book looks amazing! I am so proud of you, brother - and of the community that gathers around you... For the King and His Kingdom!

    1. Thank you so much, Karrilee! Yes, community is so very, very important, and I'm just grateful to have learned this in time to appreciate it...and that makes me grateful for the circumstance, too, I guess.

      Paul was right. All you need is love.

      Wait...well, I guess that works for BOTH Pauls, eh?

  17. Way to go, Andrew. I'm excited to read your words in your book. God is continuing to work through you. I'm honored to be a sojourner through this life with you, even if it is through our blogs right now. Praying for His strength for you today.

    1. Thank you so much, Julie...it's incredibly humbling to be a part of this wonderful, loving community. It's the best thing that has happened in my life, and I do not for a moment regret the dire circumstance that brought it about.

      Pain passes; love remains.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  18. I happen to be your neighbor at Let Us Walk Worthy. Bravo for writing several books, Andrew. Emerald Isle sounds great as do the others. I love what you learned - "that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it."

    1. Trudy, thank you so much for stopping by. I've very, very grateful for your kind words.

      I'm so grateful that when my ability to be 'in the world' went away, God left me with the ability to write, for it's brought the sense of support and community without which I would have long since fallen by the wayside.

  19. I love your fighting spirit and now releasing a new novel! You are an inspiration!

    1. Carrie, thank you so much! That means more to me than I can say.

  20. Congratulations, Andrew! Love what you shared about community here: God's Body is powerful...when they lean on Him for their strength. And this, beautiful: "I learned that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it." God is SO amazing!

    1. Anna, thank you!

      God is indeed amazing, and He's so eager to help us reach out for the only real strength we can have...His love, reflected in this world through the kindnesses we learn to accept and pass along to others.

      Thank you so much for being here!

  21. Thank you so much, Marie! I enjoyed composing the poem, and I truly hope you'll enjoy Emerald Isle.

    Your words are a treasure, too...they have carried me past some rough spots, with your shining faith.

  22. I'll be sharing in the Twittersphere, Andrew! I'm grateful for the help you've received on this book and hope that you sell many copies. Praying that today is a day that is filled with God's peace and comfort.

  23. I learned that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it.

    I love this!
