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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Your Dying Spouse 82 - Not Weary At All {FMF}

Five Minute Friday again, the timed keyword-driven writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung.

We're also linked with Wedded Wednesday.

The prompt tonight is WEARY.


It's been the week from hell, and everything went sideways yesterday...I collapsed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

But it was a passing thing, because I want to go on.

I was told (and have been told before, Look, let go...when you think of the glories of Heaven you won't even wast to stay here.

But the thing is, I'm not tired of this life. I can deal with the pain, and all the rest of it. The challenges are still worth while, and I still look forward to what tomorrow will bring.

I still watch for the sunrise.

And Heaven? The Throne of Grace, the choirs of angels, the day-long hosannas?

Never did much care for choral music. I'll pass for now.

See, I've still got work to do here. I'm not tired of this.

Heaven can wait.


Again, I do have to ask your patience with my replies to comments, and visits to your sites. When I said 'collapsed' above...that was pretty much it. it sucked.

And, I have an offer for y'all. My wife found three copies of "Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart" that we'd bought from the publisher when it came out.

So I'm offering them here. I would dearly love to give them away...but we have 24 hungry canine mouths to feed, and go through 12 lbs of dog food every day.

It is a Christmas-Easter story, and got some nice reviews on Amazon. So I hope you'll like it., if you choose to read it. I enjoyed writing it.

So I hope I won't look crassly materialistic when I say, how about $20 postpaid for a signed copy? You'll get that, plus an original-art flyleaf sketch of Ladron the Chief Service Dog, and an ebook of the soon-to-be-released "Emerald Isle".

And you'll have our deepest thanks; we're not a nonprofit, but we do our best for these guys, and you'll be in our grateful human and canine prayers.

Please drop me a note at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com if you're interested.

And for fun...the musical accompaniment to this post...


  1. Beautifully written as always! Still praying for y'all and 24 dogs wow, that's a lot of mouths to feed!

    #fmf friend parked at #3 this week if you get a chance to comment

    1. Miranda, thank you so much! The dogs need prayers, too...they are very worried about me, but they are an answered prayer, as well. They always know whatto do and say, when pain is keeping me awake through the small hours. Caring for them is a privilege.

  2. I believe God has so much more in store for us than shouting Hosannas all day long. But even if He does not, we will be so grateful to be in heaven we will not care that we are shouting all day. Where else but heaven can you shout all day. Just try doing that here and see where it gets you.

    Prayers to you, Barb and your canine doggie friends.

    1. Ha! I love that, Michele! I agree that God does have a lot waiting for us, tailored to who we are. I'd be happy to throw tennis balls all day long.

      Thank you so much for the prayers - they are very appreciated always, and especially now.

  3. Andrew, as always, you have such a poignant way of sharing your heart. Not being tired of this life, with all you've endured, is quite a statement. Daily you're an example of living life well. Praying for as many days as God will give you.
    Praying tonight, friend.

    1. Jeanne, thank you - it's still rewarding and fun, in spite of everything. I think it will be to the last.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  4. Bless you for all your love for those beloved canines! What a wonderful thing you do! Here's hoping for complete healing and restoration of your heart and soul. :)

    1. Thank you, Kadie, for the prayers, and for being here today.

      I truly love these guys. They're such individuals, with far more love to give that can be contained in their bodies. I suspect their souls far outshine my own.

  5. Weary of life. Weary of death. It feels like a no-win. Except Christ has a plan. Continued prayers for you Andrew!

    1. Carol, thank you for the prayers, and I am praying for you, that some aspect of his plan will be revealed to you, to bring comfort.

      You're a beacon of faith, my friend.

  6. Beautiful friend! I might have to send you an email because I think I would like to read your book. Also did you get the email with my sermon I sent to you this week? I hope you got it and enjoyed my sermon. Weary seems to be a word many of us are feeling this week. I cling to the promises from Matthew when Jesus says "Come to me all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest." Still praying. I'm parked in the 6 spot this week.

    1. Tara, your sermon was just lovely - I hope you got my email?

      He is indeed the ultimate answer to the weariness that this world can bring. I pray for you, that you may find shelter in His arms today.

      And thank you, with all my heart, for your continued prayers.

  7. Andrew,
    you have been on my mind a lot tonight. I saw Snoopy doing his dance on Sunday in the brightly colored comics. Don't you think God will be letting you do your Snoopy Dance? Heaven is not a torture place. You won't have to sit in Handel's company as he conducts the Hallelujah chorus. (But don't be surprised if that is where I'm hanging out at least for a while. I can't wait!)

    I was going to order at least one copy of your book for my father-in-law anyway. How about I take two of yours? I'll let the lucky third person scrap for it, unless you receive emails prior to this. Would you take paypal? Email me the details.

    And, I hope you'll enjoy that crooning of Alan Jackson when you pop over (ha, I just typed "poop"...I'll leave that for you) to read mine.

    Be blessed, weary one. Your fight is not just for you, but there is somebody that needs to see you still carrying on and still praising God. Your post Sunday was awful and humbling but it's the fallible hero that we are most endeared to.
    God bless the Apostle Peter!

    May you find rest from the fear tonight and remember whose hands have always held you-and still are. For every second He gives you, He's holding you.


    1. Tammy, words fail me at your lovely, thoughtful words...but the gratitude I feel doesn't fail. (Even with the poop!)

      Yes, God will let me do the SnOoPyDaNcE, and I suspect that He'll be dancing with me. I do kind of like Handel, as well, though the most joyous piece of classical music I know is the last movement of Howard Hanson's Second Symphony ("The Romantic"). Virgil Thompson dismissed it as being derivative...maybe so, but nne of Thompson's work moves me so.

      What this passage has given me is indeed the knowledge that it's not about me. It's about bringing everything I can to the fight, to show that it CAN be done...that we can find both faith and joy in the midst of the darkness.

      And He is holding me, always...His hands are made manifest in the support of my loving, graceful friends.

      Thank you, Tammy.

  8. Andrew, I'm so sorry to hear you have had a rough week. I'll continue praying. It's interesting that you can say you still look forward to each sunrise. You have so much to give, and I'm glad that you're not too weary of this earth to keep giving. Your perspective kind of blows me away every week when I read what you've written. BTW I passed my prelims!!! I'm so relieved and thankful. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement along the way!

    1. Katy, the news that you passed the prelims (I read it on your blog last night) fills me with really intense joy, both because of the wonderful person you are, and the experience of having gotten through that myself.

      Thank you so much for the continued prayers...and I will continue to pray for you on your journey.

  9. Brother, I cannot describe the joy I feel whenever I see your sweet puppy in the link up! We continue to stand with you, pray for you, and trust that you will remain on this side of Heaven for as long as He wills - and we pray selfishly that your transference is still far off!

    1. Karrilee, thank you so much...and I told Sylvia that you mentioned her. She is truly a sweetheart, with the nicknames "CuddleBull", "Muscles", and from the way she wags her tail, "WiggleWigglePitBull".

      Godis keeping me going, partly because He knows I want to stay, and he still has a job for me here...and partly because He knows how hard rugby players party.

      He's still stowing the breakables, and laying in more beer. There's never enough. (An old Irish blessing is, "May you pend eternity with the Holy Family, beside a lake of beer.")

      In spite of everything, I love my life. I love my wife and my dogs, and I love you guys.

  10. Oh dear, friend!
    I am praying along with you...I pray the Lord strengthens you and you wife Barbra. Be encouraged Andrew you have many hearts holding strong for you.
    I have been so engrossed with academic wok these few weeks. But I am glad am on break now. And so grateful visiting you after a long while.
    Many Blessings to you Andrew

    1. Thank you for being here today, Ifeoma (such a lovely name!). I truly value the prayers, and indeed feel that strong army of loving hearts, hold me up when I am too weak to stand.

      My prayers to you, for the academic work. It can be a challenge, but I know that God's hand is on you!

  11. Andrew . . . I've returned to the fmf party after taking a time away. I've enjoyed discovering your posts. I hate that you are having to live through what your posts contain but I also know that God's ways are higher than ours and He ultimately knows what He's doing through you.

    Keep up the good fight my friend and Snoopy dance on. We're all here cheering you on and praying you through!

    1. RambleSAHM (may I call you that? it's cool!), thank you so much for being here, and I hope that in my posts you'll find something that may bring both comfort and strength.

      In a way I hate what's happening, but in a larger way I don't, because it's brought so many blessings into my life. The blessing of friends, above all, but also the chance to work at something that seems worth doing...to try to live daily as an example that faith and hope and joy can surmount some pretty unpleasant circumstances.

      I wouldn't trade, and part of the SnOoPyDaNcE comes from gratitude at where I am, and for the strength to go on.

      I truly, and with all my heart, appreciate the prayers.

  12. Hi Andrew! As always, I appreciate your transparency. I can always count on that with you. Thank you! I'm sorry you collapsed yesterday, but God is even using those moments, isn't He? I see Him using every part, every piece of your life. And you offer it back to Him as you share it with us. I'm glad you're not weary. I shouldn't be either, as my circumstances pale in comparison to yours. Thank you for helping me continue to keep my thoughts in perspective and on truth. I continue to pray for you, and for God to use you mightily. Keep moving forward, brother. You've got a story to tell. Bless you!

    1. He is indeed using the moments, Julie. When I went down hard, I had to ask Barbara to stay home. I couldn't go on, and I hated to ask that of her.

      The support she got from her colleagues and supervisors at work was simply wonderful. She's vital to the company (she's an accountant, and in charge of training in her department), but their concern was not with work missed - it was for her, to give her strength, and for me.

      The kindness of others is part of this witnessing, and in spite of all - I would not ask to have it erased. I can do my best work right here. I don't resent it.

      Thank you, Julie, for your prayers, and your steadfast support. They mean a lot.

  13. Andrew, this is a truly humbling and inspiring word. I'm in awe of God at work in you, the grace and gritty determination on display. A great shining light emanates from these pages and it would be wonderful to read your book. But I live in the UK and think I've come a bit late to the FMF party to be in with any chance of receiving one!
    Although I seldom rise early enough to catch a sunrise, I will think of you wanting to watch her bringing warmth to earth, just as the Son Himself warms our souls and offers deep inner refreshment for all our weariness. Blessed to stop by. Praying for you as you grapple tenaciously through your days.

    1. Joy, thank you so much! The books I have are spoken for, but if you'd like one, please send me an email, and I will find a way to get it to you. It would be an honour. It's a story of hope, and a story I was privileged to write. I was the instrument; God is the Hand.

      Sunrise has always meant alot to me, and I translate it as SonRise...it's a bit of Easter Sunday, offered by God every day.

      Thank you so much for the prayers. They are deeply appreciated.

  14. 24 dogs! WOWZER! That's quite a family. Yes, I'd say $20 is fair :) And will supply what? About 3 days worth of food for your brood. Always praying for you and Barbara.

    1. Christy, it does make for a fairly rambunctious household...and it's just what I need. They bring so much more than I could ever give them. (Including Red, the imaginatively-named Red Heeler who is barking in my ear at the moment.)

      Yes, it's about three days' worth. Almost all of them thrive on WalMart's store brand; we have some fairly ancient ones (like an 18-year-old Rottie) who do very well with it.

      Thank you so much for the prayers; need them at the moment. Hard day, but nonetheless - there is Joy.

  15. I've been wanting to read your book. Sounds like a good time to do so. :0)

    1. Norma, thank you! The copies I have on hand are spoken for, but I will find a way to get a copy to you. Drop me an email, when you have the chance?

      I hope you'll like it; it's a story of hope, and I sure enjoyed writing it.

      Thank you so much for being here!

  16. I emailed you about the book. Of course I want it and I want to help feed the babies! xo I'm glad you're holding on, earth is sweeter because.

    1. Oh, Susan, thank you! I did get your email, and just replied!

      The dogs say hi...and Thank You!

  17. Thank you so much, Marie. That means the world to me, and your presence and friendship...even more than that.

    Not a downer at all. I think you're right. I'll know. But definitely, not done yet. 'Secret project' in the works, to be announced on the blog...next week, I hope.

    And yes, God parties harder than almost anyone, though there are some rugger teams who could give Him a run for His money.

  18. Strangely, I'm not surprised by your desire to stay here, Andrew. You have a mission and desire to finish it. It's God's gift to you. The one that keeps on giving. Giving you strength and determination to push through, and giving all of us hope and inspiration. Because although I can't relate to your situation, every time I come here I am inspired. Inspired to press on, press through and do more. Your book is on my Kindle list. Next in line actually. Your name appears on another one of my "lists" too, Andrew. My prayer list. Peace and comfort, for you and those who love you.

  19. Andrew, I always hold my breath until I see your pup's pic on the link-up...breathing a big old sigh of relief when I find it. I'm so glad you're hanging on - fighting to stay. At the same time your words make me feel just a tad bit disappointed in myself because I find myself so weary of late that I sometimes wish I could just go on Home. Take care of yourself. I'm way down the link-up at #76 this week.
    P.S. My sis commented about all the ladies of this fine group...I've gotta go back and tell her about this one rockin' fella that's a part of it, too! ��

  20. I am so glad that God has been hearing my prayers for you and keeping heaven waiting on your arrival, Andrew. I do hope the pain today is more tolerable than yesterday and the day before. You truly are like the Energizer Bunny who keeps going and going! I'm certain your military training has a lot to do with your perseverance and disciplined focus. Know that you are in my prayers daily and appreciated in more ways than you know, my friend!

  21. I'm glad you're still here, Andrew! Praying for you!

  22. I am thankful you aren't ready to give in just yet. I know God has so much more for you to do here. I am always encouraged and challenged by your posts. Some day I hope to ready your book. Blessings my friend!
