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Sunday, November 30, 2014

A heavy heart...from Andrew's "sister".

Hello friends and readers of Andrew,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this. With Andrew's wife's permission, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Major and I'm sort of Andrew's adopted sister.

I'm here today to ask for prayer for Andrew and Barbara.

As most of you know, Andrew faces some significant health challenges. So until he recovers enough to resume his blog, I ask that you leave words of prayer and encouragement for him and Barbara, and pray for them both, as they need it.

My apologies for not going into detail, but suffice it to say, he is not well.


  1. Andrew and Barbara, I am praying for you. I miss seeing your comments on my blog and on Books and Such. I miss the wealth of knowledge that you continually pour out. I know God has you in His hands ...

    Thank you, Jennifer.

  2. You're welcome, Shelli.

    I'll pass along your comments to Andrew.

  3. This makes my heart hurt. I did receive an email from Andrew this morning as a comment to my latest blog post, and I was going to reply with the request that someone keep us posted on his journey. And I discover here you've answered that request before I even asked it. Thank you, Jennifer. Please keep us posted as you're able. I will continue to pray for Andrew and his wife as they walk this road together. Blessings to the whole family.

  4. Oh, I am so very sorry to hear this. Thank you for letting us know, Jennifer...Lord Jesus, please wrap your arms of healing and comfort around Andrew and Barbara right now and carry them through...

  5. Jennifer, Andrew, and Barbara,
    My God be with each of you and give you strength during this difficult time. Praying His presence would be felt and that Andrew would soon be back with us and shining upon all who read his wisdom. We will miss his absence. Thank you for letting us know. Please tell him we are praying for him.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Praying for you, Barbara and Andrew!

    I wish I had more comforting words. Sometimes, this life seems almost unbearably difficult.

    Hurting with you...and missing you...

    Thank you, Jennifer, for filling in, here.

  8. Thoughts and prayers for you both.

  9. Andrew, I miss seeing and reading your comments on Booksn'Such blog. You have the ability to reach into the heart of the matter and draw us all into it too. Be patient and kind with yourself as you bet better.

    Blessings to you and Barbara ~ Wendy ❀
