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Thursday, February 8, 2024

No, The Grapes Aren't Sour

'The grapes are probably sour, anyway,' said Aesop's immortal fox.

When your dreams drift completely out of reach, the temptation is to dismiss and devalue them.

And sure, maybe they were vain and self-serving, but you know...probably not. Like those grapes.

They were probably pretty worthwhile.

Some people will tell you, 'let it go'. Great advice, but it's not that easy.

You have to say goodbye, with love and longing.

A shibboleth I'd like to shatter
is that all those things what never was
did not, do not really matter,
'cause they really did, and does.
And you have to reach that point;
on this, I must be sadly clear
that it's no good to light a joint
and down another case of beer,
for chickens will come home to roost
in the corner of your mind,
and no escape lies in 'confused',
and no relief in being blind.
Face the monsters, now, of sorrow,
'cause they'll only grow until tomorrow.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is CONSUME. Eat this!

The fox could not consume the grapes
for they were much too high,
suited better for great apes,
and jumpers such as I.
Now we all know white men can't jump,
but I'm not white, you see,
and you really should not lump
white folks in with Chinese me,
who can leap unto the stars
on legs of banded steel,
trained well upon the monkey bars
and thus can make a meal
of the grapes upon the vine,
and I won't share, they're mine, all mine!

Oh, very well, fox. Here ya go.

Four minutes.

Music from Jackson Dean, Don't Come Lookin'

Sylvia WILL come lookin'.


  1. Didn't know your ethnicity ! Just trying to imagine you jumping like a monkey now in your state of health!!

    1. Fiona, I would love to be able to jump again. But I can kinda hop...

  2. I haven't thought of Aesop's fables for quite a while. Thanks for the reminder. May you and Barb have a grace-filled week.

    1. Lisa, I am glad to bring Aesop back to you.

      Every day is a blessing, in God's good care.

  3. good sharing! you made me laugh at the end! FMF16

  4. Great food for thought today.
    FMF #2

  5. Haha! Enjoyed the new view of the fox and the grapes! Have a blessed week!

    1. So happy to bring you a smile, Kym! Have a blessed week yourself!

  6. Our dreams are worthwhile. Even when we don’t see them fulfilled. Dreams offer hope and keep us moving forward.

    1. Love this...dreams offer hope and keep us moving forward.

  7. You always give food for thought, Andrew. :) FMF friend #20

    1. Thanks, Mitzy! Corgis RULE!

      But they know that...

  8. Heard a lot this week about "little foxes spoiling the vine". A nice addition to the text. Always enjoy your potpourri of sweet and salty. Prayers as always Andrew to you, Barbara, and the doggies! Mary Hood, aka Tq here.

    1. I'm so glad this fit into your week, Mary. And thanks so much for your prayers. You are ever in ours.
