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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 536 - Embracing Failure {FMF}

"The best teacher failure is."

Thus spake Yoda, and Yoda is never wrong. Right?

Well, except when he thought he could stomp Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith, but that was a lousy movie, the worst in the franchise, so we'll ignore it. Yeah?

Ah, yes. Back to failure.

As in, I'm a failure.

Most of the things I really, really wanted to do, the things at which I wanted to succeed...they just didn't pan out. My life is littered with unfinished plans, unmet expectations, and unfulfilled potential (well, I think the potential was there!).

Sure, you can put a different spin on it, saying that failure in one area ensured success elsewhere, and in some things this is true. I saved a lot of dogs, and I'm proud of that.

But at the other stuff, I failed, and, well, that's OK.

It's not OK because "God loves me in my weakness", or "I did my best", or "The odds were just too high and I did well achieving what I did".

Like Yoda said, failure is a teacher, and I'm becoming convinced that handing these hard learnings into Jesus' Hands are what makes us fit citizens for Heaven.

He redeems even the failures that we become.

I don't think I'll enter through the Pearly Gates. I think that St. Peter will say, "Ummm...look, there's a side door, around that corner...you may be more comfortable using that."

And at that door will be just about everyone. While waiting for the line to thin, we'll exchange embarrassed glances, then Hellos, then stories...and then laughter.

We'll share what we learned, and carry that onto the Streets of Gold...as a community.

And Peter will have snuck around from the Pearlies to our door, and he'll be waiting with a high-five.

For wasn't he the first Christian screw-up, denying Jesus three times in one night?

Even I can't match that.

Music from R.E.M with It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), choreographed to a role-playing video game called Final Fantasy, of which I know nothing...but it's kinda cool, and I hope you'll watch.,

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. No man is a failure who has friends. You have plenty ... including the Best Friend Ever!

    1. Nomad, thank you so much for this! My spirits soar, on this thought.

  2. Oh friend...loved this! Community is a gift. And you're so right....I think we'll all be at the gate. Simultaneously saints and sinners as we say in the Lutheran tradition. I'm so glad you and Susan and Barb got to meet in the flesh today.

    1. Tara, thank you...one of the notable things about this journey is how some things suddenly become clear, things you read but suddenly they're REAL...and thus this post.

      And it was so cool to meet Susan! I hope you do, one day!

  3. Yes! "Handing him our hard learnings..." "Sharing what we've learned..." FINALLY understanding- knowing as we are known- the oh-so-not simple truth of 'BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD.' ............ In the beginning, God.... It's always been and will ever be about Him. Looking forward to throwing this beautiful, yet ill-fitting crown back at the feet of the One who placed it on my head in the first place. Embracing the lessons of failure. Sleep well Andrew.

    1. Jane, you're so right, about the simplicity and complexity of 'but for the grace of God'.

      For me, it's like certain levels of integral calculus, which seem like they should be so simple, kind of like if I could just dive through it I'd BE there...but I always snagged on the minutiae, and had to beat my way to the solution.

      Thank you so much for being here...you're in our prayers.

  4. Oh, I've learned the same, failure is a good thing. It teaches us so VERY much.

    1. Annette, it sure does...and the poem you wrote for FMF was SO WAY COOL! Great job!

  5. Andrew I am still failing. I don't know if I have had any successes, except the success of returning to Jesus, on my knees, in repentance. That, I guess, for me has to be enough, even right now as I feel like a failure in so many areas. I am focusing on the yellow dandelion this month and praying with Jan Cox and "Bold in the Cold" against abuse. I have a poem and blog post on http://medium.com/@tqhousecatmom. Your success is revealed in the lives you touch for the Lord. (Even dogs). I am one of your success stories! Praying always for you.

    1. Dear Mary...I think you've had the greatest success of all, in having the courage and grace - yes, grace - to fall to your knees before the Saviour.

      Thank you so much for the heartening words, the prayers...and for the link. I'll be headed there shortly.

      Praying for you!

  6. Oh Andrew, I so love this reality check. We can try so hard in our own efforts to succeed that we fail to see the big picture. Your clarity is painfully refreshing. Praying for you! {{{{HUGS}}}}} to you and your wonderful caregiver!

    1. Karen, that's so true...we do miss the big picture more often than not...I did, for sure.

      {{{{{HUGS}}}}} back, and we thank you so much for your prayers.

  7. Replies
    1. It's the best, isn't it, Traci? Community is hat we're made for.

  8. So true- we all fail, but we learn from it. And it is amazing to know that God accepts us as we are, even with our failings.

    1. Lesley, yes...and don't we have a really awesome Father?

  9. I love that God will ALWAYS redeem us--not matter how badly we've messed up.

  10. Sure ... our lives are strewn with failures, disappointments and screw ups. What else is new

    But we love the One who redeems all our stuff, who brings good out of bad, who forgives our sins, who knows Whose we are.

    Heads up ...

    1. Linda, this is so well-said! You cut right to the heart...thank you for bringing your grace and insight to the conversation!

  11. This post makes failures seem like fun!

    1. Jan, they can be...a lot of mine were really spectacular disasters, where it would have been really churlish not to laugh.

  12. Marie, yeah...I thought 'Revenge Of The Sith' was pretty weak, mainly because of the way they chose to cast and define Anakin Skywalker, as a kind of James Dean/Marlon Brando Bad Boy. He should have been a classically tragic hero, a good and likable man with a fatal flaw.

    And, agreed. The image of the open gates really, really touches my heart. As it should!

  13. I'm a big believer in the power of failure to teach me better than any success I might have in life--hence, Messy Marriage?! Lol! Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, Andrew!

    And I love how you want a side door into heaven instead of walking through those pearly gates. ;-) I think it will be quite the wonderful day to meet so many other believers in that amazing and joy-filled place. Perhaps you and I will meet here on earth ... I doubt it. Still, I'll be looking you up when I get to the other side, my friend! Praying for you daily!

    1. Beth, thank you so much for this...and yes, that meeting in Heaven will be wonderful. Today things are bad, so meeting in this life doesn't seem very likely...but it's OK.

      Heaven awaits!

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  14. Oh, Andrew, I love your "take" on entering the pearly gates! "And at that door will be just about everyone. While waiting for the line to thin, we'll exchange embarrassed glances, then Hellos, then stories...and then laughter." Yes. So very much, YES. Your words are a witty but humbling reminder that we are all just so human, and we need each other in our joys and in our failures. Especially in our failures. I'm so glad I stopped by here tonight.

    1. Susan, thank you so much, and I'm absolutely delighted that you enjoyed this. Your ind words made my day!
