This community is a lifeline for me.
I'm forced to write ahead of time, and will try to edit around this week's word when it's revealed. Not doing too well, physically.
(The word is CRAVE. This is going to be tough. But it's worked in at the end, and I think it kinda fits.)
And so...
It's been another bad week, and I've lost more ground than I thought I had left to lose.
Aside from the normal run of vicious abdominal pain and nausea (anyone want to finish my dinner) and the Glories of Incontinence (can anyone spell D-E-P-E-N-D-S?), there are some new things...
Dry heaves that are so physically trying that Barbara thinks that this is how I will die, overstressed by the spasms. I don't disagree.
And pain in the long bones and spine, so bad that I can barely get up from a sitting position (getting up from lying down takes minutes), and need to be half-lifted from the bath. Please pray for Barbara's back.
She thinks it may be a metastasis to the bone marrow, and that's possible. There's no way to be sure, absent tests for which we can't pay, and on the whole...I'd just as soon not know.
But God is still good, and always has been
I have a wonderful wife, and a pack of rescued dogs who will help me sit upright when I try to pass out. If I collapse outside they will huddle around me to keep me warm. If I can't walk they will drag me back to the house.
I have lovely friends (yes, YOU, who are reading this!) whose grace-filled comments on this blog keep me going, keep me wanting to witness to the good that is still in life.
I have a sheltered place to sleep. We can't really afford to heat the house, save Barbara's bedroom, but even in the colder areas it's not that bad. So many people, even in our wealthy land, have so much less.
I have nutritious and safe food, and so many people in the world do not.
I have books and DVDs, which I can appreciate with new eyes. There's both strength and hope to be found in the reboots of Star Trek and Star Wars. Thank God for J. J. Abrams and his crew!
I have hope. Perhaps there will be a healing miracle, and I do what I can to keep my dreams alive. It may not be much; it may be laying out the pattern for an aeroplane part on a piece of steel, a part that I do not now have the strength to cut out...but maybe one day, I will.
And I have a purpose, which is made manifest in this blog. Life is still worth living.
I can appreciate the smile of a happy dog, Barbara's laugh when she sees something funny on television, the shimmer of brightness in the instant before the sun peeks over the Manzanos, the mountains to the east.
I can appreciate the ability to do something, no matter how small, that moves my dreams forward, without the need to compare myself to those who have far outdistanced me in shared aspirations. And I can applaud their successes, while savouring my own.
This isn't me. This is God, and His Grace, showing me that my cup is not half empty, and not even half full.
My cup of delight and joy is filled to overflowing.
I once craved a return to health; but there is fulfillment in being exactly where I am supposed to be.
Here's the music for this week...for no other reason than it's been running through my head!
have another blog, "Starting The Day With Grace". The focus is a grace quote from someone you might not expect (like, say Mick Jagger) and a short commentary. I hope you'll join me.
Marley update...he's probably going to be moved to a sanctuary, and Bay County will revise their 'dangerous dog' codes.
He's up over 200,000 signatures, but PLEASE keep the pressure on. If you haven't signed, please do! Please click o his name in the paragraph below.
If you have a moment, I'd like to ask you to visit to consider a petition to free a 'death row dog' who has been separated from his family for ten months over a misunderstanding. Marley was saved from Afghanistan by a US serviceman; please help make sure this story doesn't end in needless tragedy! Marley's gotten a lot of support...but he still needs our help.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.
Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.
Wow. Thank you. Your words encourage and challenge me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story so openly. Thank you for sharing the hard parts and the blessings. Your life is a testimony to the grace and goodness of God. May He be glorified in all you do.
I am praying for you and Barbara. Keep on keeping on.
Rachel, thanks so much for your kind words, and most especially your prayers. They're truly appreciated.
DeleteIt's been quite a road, and my sincere wish is that documenting it has brought some light and peace to others. It's more and more clear that this is the job that the Almighty has been preparing me for, through my whole life, and I will try to do it well.
Awww, Andrew, what a beautiful post. I'm so sorry about the decline you're experiencing. The pain . . . I can't imagine. But your heart to savor and to purpose to live well? That speaks to and challenges me in the things I deal with. Thank you for refreshing my perspective. You, Barb and the dogs continue to be in my prayers, my friend.
ReplyDeleteJeanne, thanks so much. The decline's hard to face, but it's to be expected, and I don't resent it. These things happen, but it's what one can still do that really counts, I think.
DeleteWe so appreciate your prayers, my friend.
Andrew, perspective is everything. You made reflect on how blessed I am too. Even in the midst of your illness, you are finding ways to treasure the gifts of grace you've been given. We all can learn so much from you! I'm in the 5 spot this week.
ReplyDeleteTara, yes...perspective is indeed everything, and I've been finding that this process, this illness, is much more a blessing than a burden. Strange to say, but I enjoy life so much more now than when I was healthy!
DeleteSo glad you're here, my friend.
Keep living well, my friend. I love that you find joy in the things that cost nothing--friendship, laughter, companionship. It's a lesson to all of us.
ReplyDeleteAnita, I do intend to treasure every moment I can, because each moment is an opportunity for gratitude, and a gift.
DeleteAnd yes, the things that cost nothing are the things best-loved...and those are the things that we indeed 'can take with us'!
Thank you so much for being here.
It must be really hard to be where you are and still find delight and joy! I admire you, Andrew. God Bless!
ReplyDeletePaula, thank you! It is hard, physically, but the contrast between pain and love makes love all the more precious. I have so much for which I am grateful now! So much that I overlooked before.
DeleteI so appreciate you being here.
You're an inspiration, Andrew. May God continue to bless you. Praying for you and Barbara. I know the holidays are especially hard when life is not "normal." Blessings!
ReplyDeleteJune, I so appreciate your words, and your presence here!
DeleteGod is blessing me, every day, and it's only having gone through the 'hard' that's opened my eyes to the richness of those blessings. The holidays are hard, under the circumstances, but I treasure each carol I hear, and pause to savour the sight of Christmas lights. Joy is an intentional thing, and adversity has given birth to that intention.
What an amazing inspiration, Andrew! You're such a blessing. After reading this it makes me ask myself, "What's your excuse, Kimberly?" Thank you for your words!
ReplyDeleteMy post:
Kimberly, thank you so much for this. I'm so much happier now, in spite of it all, than I ever was when I was healthy and took grace for granted. It was a lesson well worth learning.
DeleteI love that you can see so many blessings even in the midst of such awful pain and sickness. An attitude of thankfulness makes such a difference. And I love that you have been blessed and sustained by this community. You are a great blessing to us too! Praying for you and Barbara.
ReplyDeleteLesley, the journey and decline have made it possible for me to have a spiritual renewal, and to develop an attitude of gratitude that I don't think could have happened otherwise.
DeleteAnd the FMF community has been a huge part of this. I've learned so much from everyone here, and have received more love and grace than any man could expect.
Thank you so much for the prayers; we truly appreciate them.
You courage and strength inspire me. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLisa, thank YOU. I so appreciate this, and your presence here.
DeleteDon't go. We need you.
ReplyDelete"Dear God, please help Andrew."
God bless you, my friend. Let Barbara know, we appreciate her.
Norma, I intend to be around for quite awhile. I push myself pretty hard, as you know, and I think that, along with the appreciation of the beauty to be found even in pain, has kept me here and vital way past the doctors' 'sell-by' date. It's worth it; this is the job for which the ALmighty has formed me.
DeleteThank you so much for the prayers, my friend, and I will let Barbara know of the appreciation and esteem in which she's so deservedly held.
I'm sorry you've had a hard week physically, but I applaud your outlook. It's a challenge to see the good through the pain. Always praying for you and Barbara, my sweet friend! I'm at #62 this week. You will appreciate what I am celebrating this week!
ReplyDeleteMollie, thank you so much for your loving words, and for your prayers. We do appreciate them.
DeleteIt's funny; as things get harder I seem to enjoy life more, because I can see the blessings and grace so much more clearly. Does that make sense?
ReplyDeleteI once craved a return to health; but there is fulfillment in being exactly where I am supposed to be.
There are so many healthy people who know nothing of fulfillment.
I find that since I have begun to write, not very long, that most of my words come out of pain, not physical, but other ways. God wastes nothing. Thank you for your honesty in all your reality. I am #61.
Mary, you're so right! God wastes nothing. That is perfect!
DeleteAnd He needs US, our intentionality to tell of His Grace even when we're assailed by pain and, sometimes, fear.
I'm so truly glad you're here.
Yes, Andrew, life IS still worth living! And, in the midst of everything, you are doing what you can to live it to the fullest...that is quite admirable! And, I do feel you ARE where you are meant to be; just as I am realizing, as hard as it may be, that I am where I am meant to be.
ReplyDeleteThank you for always "hitting the nail on the head" with your words; even writing ahead and connecting your words to Kate's word for the week...
Continued hugs and prayers!! (Hint hint: in my "crave" post, I crave HUGS!!)
Oh,, Barbara, thank you so much for this! Truly, it is hard be be where one is meant to be if it's an uncomfortable place, but perhaps God has taken care to let us be there, because we can bring some light to others?
DeleteSo grateful to the hugs and prayers! Hugs and prayers back!
Yes Andrew I think you worked the prompt in quite nicely :) It's so encouraging to see how God is working in you each time I visit this bright orange place. God bless Barbara as she serves you. Hugs and prayers to you both!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Christy. I know God has had a job of work to do with me...and He's been helped so very much by His hands, feet and heart made manifest in the world...the FMF crew!
DeleteHugs and prayers back!
ReplyDeleteA greater Christmas miracle than this post may not be found this year. "My cup is overflowing with delight and joy."
I am seeing someone who is allowing himself to be loved and realizing he is worth loving. No longer the stoic hero that does it all and saves the day, you are a much more endearing character when you are no longer invincible. Truly, you are now a Nicholas Sparks novel and we all want to be Barbara and adore her-except that it's better than fiction!!
True love, commitment, perseverance, this is God's masterpiece!!! And we crave the stories of sticking together in hardship. Your story is beautiful indeed!
May God richly bless you both-and keep you warm!
Oh, Tammy, thank you so much for this. I'm overwhelmed, and humbled, and above all honoured to keep doing my very best.
DeleteI am so grateful for your loving and grace-filled words
Love back!
Oh Andrew, this is a breathtakingly beautiful post! Not many could say these words and mean them, even in far more salubrious situations than your own: "My cup of delight and joy is filled to overflowing." Such phenomenal grace witnessed in every word you write! You truly do shine a light for God. I sense a quietening, a mellowing in your soul, a contentment that is greater than before. When life takes us to the wire, it is there that we are invited to live a deeper cruciform life. And you are. It's so inspiring and humbling. Thank you for still writing, still sharing the gritty reality and the way God's grace is shaping your thoughts and days. We are all rooting for and praying for you, brother, and for Barbara and the canine heroes too. May you continue to see sweetness in your circumstances, painful, humiliating and arduous as they are. And may God bless you and yours with the warm radiance of His love. x
ReplyDeleteJoy, you're so right...I am really a much happier person hat when I was well, because now I realize and see clearly all those blessing for which I can, at last, be fully grateful
DeleteThank you so much for being here, and for your prayers. We truly appreciate them.
Andrew, you're such an inspiration! As you know, I pray for you and Barbara every day. And thanks for the video.
ReplyDeleteJan, thank you for these words, and for the prayers. We do appreciate - and need - them.
DeleteAnd I'm so glad you enjoyed the video!
❤️️ This: "I once craved a return to health; but there is fulfillment in being exactly where I am supposed to be." I think people spend too much time moaning about all of the things that haven't gone perfectly in their life. They too easily become disillusioned (which only means they believed an illusion to begin with).
ReplyDeleteYou know what I love about you? You challenge us to be more than just self-absorbed, small-minded people. You challenge us to embrace each day with gratefulness and courage, regardless of our circumstances.
Proud to know you, Andrew, even if it is only in CyberCity. Sterkte!
Not nearly the same circumstances, but you may enjoy reading this...
Shauna, your words honour me beyond measure. Thank you for this. And you're so right, that disillusionment can only begin from holding onto an illusion.
DeleteProud to know you as well. my friend. Baie dankie!
And, Shauna, thank you for the link. Headed there now.
Deleteandrew, i'm sad to hear of the progression of your disease:( each week i check to see if you are here. i will pray for comfort for you and barbara and relief for your pain...and rest for your weary bones. blessings brother!
ReplyDeleteMartha, thank you so much. It was kind of a hard weekend, and it's getting worse rather than better...the prayers are so very appreciated!
DeleteAndrew, I've missed you. I am sorry about the decline that you are experiencing, but to come here after so long a time and see you still fighting the good fight of faith, with purpose, is refreshing my own spirit. You are a light in this world, Andrew. Praying for you and Barbara!
ReplyDeleteBarbie, thanks so much, and it is SO WONDERFUL to see you here! I promise, I will keep going as long as the Almighty sees fit. I won't quit.
DeleteMany, many thanks for the prayers - we truly appreciate them.
You've made me cry.
ReplyDeleteSusan, there are no words, but thank you, my friend. I appreciate you so very, very much.