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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Songs (Tell His Story)

 Just for fun, songs about Chihuahuas.

To the tune of Let The River Run...

Let Chihuahuas run!
Let all their barking wake the neighbours,
they sleep too long anyway!

Or, from Mary Poppins...

Chim, chimney, chim chimney, chim chim, Chihuahua,
they watch T. D. Jakes and they watch Creflo Dollar!
Chim chimney, chim chimney, chim chim Chi Chi,
they're learning about Christianity.

Sylvia wants a song now, too.


  1. I'll have the Mary Poppins song stuck in my head all day now. :) But that's not a bad one to carry with me!

  2. Extra points for creativity!
