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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Name It And Claim It

The only way that I can claim
the blessings of these dreadful days
is to endeavour to attain
a life of constant thanks and praise
from which 'I wish' is banished,
and 'if only ' turned away,
'why me' forever vanished,
to make a room where grace can stay.
I cannot look behind me now;
the dead, they must entomb their own.
It is for me to practice how
to do that which I've always known,
that however high the toll,
I am His, He makes me whole.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is UNDECIDED.

Some may be undecided,
but I'll say now that I ain't.
God will not be derided,
and I have no complaint
about the hard cold circumstance
that I daily face.
I will choose to laugh and dance,
be caught up in the grace
that transcends metastases,
and a failing heart.
Even in shadow of these,
I can still play my part
for the Lord that I believe 
until it's time for me to leave.

Three minutes thirty on the first attempt, which the Internet ate. Three minutes for what's above.

Sylvia says, Yeah, but I was His FIRST.



  1. Beautiful. The refining fire removes the impurities. What Fire this has been.
    - Barbara.

    1. Dear Heart, thank you so much for this. And yeah, it's been a touch warm.

  2. So beautiful, your words just make me what to hug you.
