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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Ake Ake Kia Kaha (For Ever, And Be Strong)

 Spent much of last night screaming in pain, from the leg metastases. Can't really walk now.

Barb prayed me to a place of rest, and peace.

When earthly hope is failing
as the devil sings his song,
and in the night you're wailing,
and still the night goes on,
remember to hold as you can
to that tiny dancing spark,
the heartbeat of the Son of Man
beating with you in the dark,
and make the effort to recall
through all the pain and tears
that for you He faced it all,
and He knows your fears,
and that you'll never be alone 
until He comes to take you home.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TWO.

I guess you might expect two sonnets
this week, for the price of one,
so I am right here and on it,
so let us go and have some fun
with words like Frogularity
(which term, yes, I did invent)
to bring a certain kind of clarity
to my weird writing intent,
and while the word has not caught on
beyond my dedicated circle,
its potential is yet far from gone
(though it's moving like a turtle)
 to bring me fame, riches, renown,
and make me king of my small town.

Three minutes of total nonsense, but I had fun.

Music for Barb, from the Dropkick Murphys, with Forever 

Sylvia thinks I need more calcium, via ice cream, so the bones don't fracture. She'll even share hers.

Wait, that's not Sylvia! These are the Chihuahuas' stuffed animal friends. Every afternoon they swipe the TV and VCR remotes, and hide them with Monkey (wearing my sunglasses), Frog (under my cap), and Kitty Cat (with my gloves). Ladron taught them the game; they expanded on it.

With Sylvia's help.


  1. I'm really glad you have Barb there to pray with you! I love the word frogularity!

  2. Don't give up - the frogularity will catch on :)
    May God continue to be with both you & Barb. I'm glad she was there to pray with you until you were able to rest!

  3. Lovely word, frogularity! My husband believes I make up words and he laughs when I give a definition. I pray that your pain will be relieved.
