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Thursday, September 19, 2024

On The Other Side Of Calvary

 Last night when the screaming ended
(the kind after I try to eat),
it felt that all this could be mended
only at God's judgement seat,
and meanwhile I must endure
for sake of those placed in my care,
and write witness, clean and pure,
that these trials are not unfair,
but that they fold unto the story
of a world that lost its way,
and reflect the love and glory 
that walks us through the darkest day
and takes our hand to help us see
the sunrise beyond Calvary.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is MATTER.

Sometimes the pain is so intense,
I feel like glass, about to shatter,
Humpty Dumpty on the fence,
but really, does that even matter?
I know, yeah, that to God I do,
but He loves me, not my deeds,
and when this weird-ass life is through,
was I the thing that someone needs?
I'd like to think that maybe, yes,
someone out there found some meaning
in my words, but I oft guess
that when I think this, I am dreaming,
but I'll go on against the night
because it's fun to do what's right.

Four minutes, and I don't quite know what I was trying to say.

Sylvia has no words, but she does have ice cream.


  1. "I'd like to think that maybe, yes,
    someone out there found some meaning
    in my words" -- your words have encouraged many people, myself included.

  2. Andrew, YES, your words and your life have mattered. Sometimes I wonder if it is hidden from us to protect us from becoming prideful. You have encouraged me many a time. May God bring you a day of relief today, friend!

  3. Oh Andrew, a thousand times yes, your words have mattered and have been encouraging and challenging to me. And judging from the comments I see here week after week, you have encouraged many others as well. Praying God's peace and comfort for you today.

  4. I echo all the above. Your words, your prayers...your choices, and witness in the pain, have mattered. More than you know, they have mattered.
