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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Is This Really Us? (Tell His Story)

 They say that MAGA must be stopped,
that the movement is a crime,
and thus Trump was nearly topped,
for Pete's sake, for the second time,
and it never ceases to cause wonder,
never ceases to amaze 
that the ones who call the thunder 
do not see the end of days
in which the wish becomes the deed
and what goes out will come around,
and I think we really need 
to find ourselves some common ground
before this country, once called great,
has name prefaced by 'the late'.

Sylvia really hates violence. She was the victim of it, before God brought her to us.

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  1. The heat in our politics seems to come from misplaced faith—and an unhealthy dose of fear…

  2. Amen. God have mercy on us. What happens when we kick God out.
