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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Old School

Gotta face your own truths eventually.

Sometimes it hurts.

And sometimes it's fun.

I am the hippest man you'll find,
and lately Barb said this to me,
that I have the finest mind
of the sixteenth century,
for I live in a state of grace,
not wreathed in dust upon a shelf,
where men and women know their place
and live in God's own sense of self.
The world may dance its merry tune,
but I'm not in the least upset.
It is not spinning to its doom,
and will come to ken this, yet,
that the finest life to choose
is bullets, Bible, and cheap booze.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is REVERSE.

Going back's what I don't do,
for in the lack there's sorrow,
and so I will laugh and push through 
unto my bright tomorrow 
in which my health will be restored,
and my heart will beat to run
as by time-keepers I am scored
through a sprinting mile of fun,
and then I'll drop on the green grass,
winded but with happy smile,
thinking of those that I did pass 
with speed and grace and yeah, with style,
knowing that to win the race
you need to leap and grab God's grace.

Four minutes. OK.

Sylvia is rolling her eyes. She's good at that.


  1. I am currently memorizing Hebrews 13 and one of verses says we get our strength from God’s grace. I thought I would share that with you my FMF. Neighbor on down the road. I haven’t blogged yet. Will later today. God bless your writing!✍️ You are a gifted writer.

  2. Like you, I'm grateful for the future hope we have because of Jesus. It's encouraging to know that what lies ahead is better than anything we have ever experienced. Praying that knowledge gives you hope and strength today.

  3. May the Lord bless you today as you continue to run your race!

  4. God established a line of authority for men and women to know their place. Women were protected, respected and loved. In today's world that is lost and women suffer for it. I understand that better today than I did in the 70's and 80's.

  5. I wish I had your skill at writing poetry so fast! Perhaps I need to practise more.
    I've blogged this week but not linked it as it doesn't go with the FMF prompt. It's here if you're interested: https://thestufflifeismadeofblog.wordpress.com/2024/06/08/festival-prep/

  6. I really appreciate your poetry - the sentiments, humour and the stories they tell. Thank you.
