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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mercy (Tell His Story)

 What are your thoughts on mercy?

Mercy for the spring weeds
is a sentence of death
for the fall harvest.

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  1. Mercy gets me through each day. I need to receive it; I need to give it!

  2. Mercy there was
    great, and grace was free;
    Pardon there was multiplied to me;
    There my burdened soul found liberty
    At Calvary.
    - from the old hymn

  3. Andrew, I appreciate your view on mercy. I listened to an interview with the President of El Salvador. He sought God and his country has gone from being the murder capital of the world to the lowest murder rate. Yet human rights groups criticized him for cleaning up the gangs. They cared more for the "weeds" than the honest citizens that were being murdered, raped, and terrorized. We need biblical understanding on how to show mercy. Allowing evil to continue doesn't benefit anyone in God's eyes.

  4. That’s certainly a great point and it has relevance far beyond the garden!

  5. That is such a good point and one we often overlook.

  6. Interesting perspective, Andrew! So mercy needs to be coupled with wisdom from God as it is from His perspective that we rightly discern what is true mercy.
