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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Better Days Ahead?

The last week has really wiped me out, and just for fun I dropped a great honking piece of steel on my foot... that foot which also had a stress fracture.

Oh, and there was the falling-out-of-bed-and-concussing-myself thing. Had double vision for a while, which was actually nice...two images of Barbara!

Anyway, on to the rhyming stuff.

"Your best days are ahead of you!"
So shouts Christian TV,
but there's no way this can be true;
leastwise, not for me.
But wait a sec, just hold on there.
Perhaps there's more here than I know,
and it might be quite unfair
if down the mockers' path I go,
for I may be a better man
now than before the cancer came;
less absorbed by my life-plan,
and less beholden to the shame
that I first felt as body frayed,
needing others' grace and aid.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is QUICK. Be done as fast as I can.

I was always quick to judge,
and hurled contempt upon the weak,
but God has given me a nudge,
and at His bidding I must seek
that part of me I hid within,
the part that, failing, could not stand
in the gap, and would not win
without a kind and helping hand,
and thus it was humiliation,
but needed, badly, all the same
to face the harsh illumination
of the truth by cancer's flame,
and though it cuts me to the bone,
I admit I can't do this alone.

The truth hurts. Good that it took less than three minutes to write.

Music, of course, from the Beatles, with Help.

 Sylvia, not being possessed of opposable thumbs, gladly accepts aid in holding her ice cream.


  1. I am sure that Sylvia appreciates your help in holding the ice cream for her. I am not always so great about asking for help, especially when that request requires shining a spotlight on my limitations. My Pastor states that living in community with others means being needy and needed. I have been blessed by others when I have admitted to being in need, and I hope that I have been an encouragement to others when they have been I need. I am praying for you and Barb.

    1. Jolene, from what comes through your words, I'm very sure that you're an encouragement to all in your community. And yes, it can be so embarrassing to need!

      We thank you so much for your prayers, and Syl looked up from her midnight ice cream snack to say Hi.

  2. It's funny how "being needy" has seemed to take on such a negative connotation in society. Yet from birth we have been needy :) and Jesus calls us to be needy, or dependent upon Him for all of our days. I struggle with asking for help and so today, I thank you for sharing so humbly. I think it may be by design that some days we are needed and every day we are needy :) Praying for you and Barb. Bless you, friend!

    1. Joanne, asking for help is SO hard...and I am coming to believe we have to practice every day.

  3. Andrew, these are both meaningful poems. It's hard to ask for help. I want to be able to do everything on my own. But God does have a way with putting me in situations where I must humble myself and ask for help from others. There is a certain grace in asking, and there's a beauty when another offers and we receive. Being needy isn't a bad thing. I think God created us to need each other to build and experience the beauty of community. Hard to accept sometimes, but being connected with others deepens our understanding and enlightens us to more of God's character. I'm continuing to pray for you and Barb, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, I think you're absolutely right, that God does place us where we need help.

      We don't have to look further than the Via Dolorosa, and Simon the Cyrene.

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  4. I've long wondered why most of us find it so very hard to admit we need help, despite knowing that everyone needs help. Continuing to pray for you and Barb.

    1. Kym, the answer's easy.

      Gimme a P! Gimme an R! Gimme an I! Gimme a D! Gimme an E!

      What does it spell?


  5. Oh Brother Andrew! Still blessing us with your wisdom and poetic gifting! Sorry to hear about the foot and the concussing... praying for you and Barbara!

    1. Karrilee, thank you so much. Had another bad fall, on concussion protocol. Again.

      We really appreciate your prayers.

  6. The best days are ahead for me is all in perspective, isn't it, Andrew? We are presently living, yet our 'real living' is to come which means our best days are ahead of us.

    1. Lisa, yes, the perspective of 'best days ahead' is the key.

  7. Our best days may not be ahead on earth. No one can say. But when Jesus is fully known before our eyes and He receives us as His known children…these will be our best days forever and ever.
    Bless you to receive your best days by Gods grace and when He’s ready.

    1. Thank you for this. The days of Heaven will indeed be the best days, neverending.

  8. So much truth in these sonnets, and a perfect song to go with them.
    Praying for you and Barb.

    1. Grams, thank you...and I'm so glad you liked the song!

  9. Love the rhymes. So sorry to hear about your foot and head! Much prayers to you and yours!

    1. Thanks, Nicci, for the kind thoughts, and the prayers!

  10. Andrew, it seems you can use almost any bad experience for humor! Though, I'm sure seeing two Barbaras was very nice for you! Seriously, though, you are always an inspiration. You get knocked down but get right back up. You have a knack of sharing truth through your poetry. And, yes, sometimes the truth hurts, but we learn to trust Him more and more, realizing that we can't do this life alone no matter what different things we all face. Blessings to you!

    1. Gayl, yes , the truth hurts sometimes, but I find that it hurts worse if I don't laugh at it. A merry heart is indeed the best medicine.

  11. I decided to get back on your blog site, just because. It doesn't matter. I've been under the weather. It's nice to read your words again. Norma

  12. Love the poems Andrew, sad you hurt yourself though...double ouch!!
    Blessings, Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, thank you! Had another fall during the night (literally fell out of bed), and another concussion

      Such is life, as Ned Kelly said.

  13. I've heard that from others, that cancer is a humbling experience.

    1. Annette, yeah. Cancer humbles. But in the end it will be the one to bow.
