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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 450 - Gotta Laugh And Have High Hopes {FMF}

Gotta Laugh and have High Hopes

I've been thinking about songs that made me laugh in the 60s and 70s.  Roger Miller's songs (You Can't Go Rollerskating in a Buffalo Herd, I'm a Nut,  Do Wacka Do, Dang Me,  Robin Hood and Little John, and more),  John Denver's song (Thank God I'm a Country Boy), Statler Brothers (Hello Mary Lou, Do We Remember These) just to  name a few.

Some would say those days were more innocent times.   I beg to differ.   Quite the contrary.  People knew the need for laughter, valued wholesome humor. Most either had a family member that had served in WWI, WWII,  Korea, or Vietnam. Loss, fear of loss, PTSD (otherwise better known then as shell-shocked) weren't innocent realities. Yet,  the wisdom of the people was clear.  Life must have joy, laughter, childlike recognition of the unexpected. So funny historical, animated films like Disney's Robin Hood and Little John were popular.

Holy Thursday is a week away.  I ponder of a Jesus that lived a full life,  full of family life, with close exclusive friends, full of normal daily activity both challenging & productive either as a carpenter or as a Rabbi, with exposure to children & their joy, of everyday people moving thru life some happy & others miserable.   Why is this important, some may ask?

God created us in His image.   Giving us traits reflective of His Own. Who can be around children and frown for very long? Be too serious for very long?  Remember Jesus wanted the children brought to Him.   I bet time with the children was a joyous stress relief for Jesus.  We all know children love to entertain a person they like and gain the approval through laughter and happiness.

It was recorded that Jesus wept and He got angry.   Scripture really doesn't recorded that He laughed, why?  I think it's because Jesus rarely expressed negative emotion.  Jesus' negative reactions were more exclamation points of a normal human experience.  Jesus' personality (charisma), which had to include smiling and laughter, was one reason why people were drawn to Him.

I long for the day to hear Jesus laugh, see Him smile.  What a cool moment that will be.

Music from Frank Sinatra, with High Hopes.

If you're interested, you can find Andrew's books on Amazon.


  1. This makes me happy!!!!!! Been thinking of you and lifting you up. I can't wait to meet Jesus face to face.

  2. Meg, I am glad today's blog made you happy. Thank you for lifting us up. We pray for our blog family and their loved ones to have full, grace filled lives.

  3. I love this point of view. We can so often reflect nostalgically on the past when it was probably a lot like today - grief, politics, happiness, small moments. I'm holding this as we go into Holy Week.

    1. Annie, I pray your Holy Week has plenty of joyous moments.

  4. Good points. Laughter eases tension and counters the effects of stress. Music that makes me smile is what I listen to on dreary days (or when I'm house cleaning). Enjoyed your post.
    In some small way, I believe we can participate in the peace and warmth of Jesus every day. His loving presence is alive on earth, and he walks with us through it all. Once we become aware of this, and of him being with us, it helps us face the obstacles that each day brings, though it still is not easy. We all can overwhelm, but at least we don't overwhem without hope. GBU.

    1. Norma, beautiful point of view thank you for sharing.

  5. There is absolutely not one iota of doubt in my thinking that Jesus laughed, smiled, joked, and had a really good time every day. I love to see the laughing Jesus in movies, art, etc. It's not possible He was a sour-puss. It's just not possible. xo

    1. Susan, miracles come from bathing in eternal Light. It was also why true followers of Jesus moved the world toward God's gift of Grace and over threw the Roman Empire by changing culture. They were Happy in trial, persecution, and execition. The saw Eternal life and the coming of a New Jerusalem.

  6. I long for that moment too. And Maundy Thursday is one of my fave holy days in the church. Continuing to pray for Andrew and you.

    1. Tara, the New Covenant came with a meaning on Holy Thursday. Remembrance of Him, His Time with us (Emmanuel among His People). Thank you for the prayers, they are our daily protection.

  7. Yes! He is so good to remind us of that. When His truths reverberate within us joy cannot help but spring up as a well within us - even in the midst of the hard. Recently, I put this song on - https://youtu.be/sILPTHrNy3I - when I was really struggling and I belted it out and found myself singing and dancing, twirling my girls around in my arms in the living room. He is so good. Praising Him for bringing laughter to your home and heart, Barbara. Bless you and Andrew. May He continue to lift up your spirits through the hard.

    1. Anna, this resounded to my soul, When His truths reverberate within us joy cannot help but spring up as a well within us - even in the midst of the hard.

      It is a Blessing to have children that love the Lord and remind us to be free with our Praise.

  8. Barb & Andrew, I'm going to have that buffalo song stuck in my head all day now. :) I don't mind though, it beats a commercial jingle anytime. Yes, I can't wait to see Jesus smile at all of us on that great and glorious day.
    Blessings of His peace & joy ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Wendy, I sang the High Hopes song for two days in my head. It actually helped me get through a very busy office life and brought a softness back to my supervisor duties.

      I have several young women in their 20s on our team. The song popped in my head because of a conversation one gal. She said, she had high hopes of getting everything right this month so she could be released from training in April. She had no idea there was a song with the same title.

  9. Yes, so true! Jesus had every reason to be the happiest and most joyful person on the planet, Barbara! My hubby had a framed artist's rendering of Jesus laughing that he hung in his office years ago. He loved how it depicted Jesus in this way since so many artists depict Jesus with piercing eyes of conviction and seriousness, but not so often with a smile. Thanks for reminding us of that truth. It brought a smile to my face!

    1. Beth, we have the same picture in our home, a gift from my Mom. Andrew wanted to use that one in the blog, but I requested one of Jesus with children, for we are all His children and need to remember the loving, happy face & eyes of our Lord.

  10. Thank you for the Old Blue Eyes' song and the reminder of our need to break out of our normal routines and just laugh! Blessings to you!

  11. Leigh, I remembered the song but had not realized it was Old Blue Eyes until I looked it up online. At work the song was being mixed up with High Ho. Which I knew was incorrect. LOL

  12. Marie, I'm thankful that Jesus'image has been improved and will transform your relationship with Him.
