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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Songs Made New

Cancer's cost me a lot since the beginning of the year, so I thought I'd have some fun.

While I can, said the melodramatic poet.

Barb's wakeup tune on her phone got modified...

Lord, I lift Your name on High
with a fifth of Southern Rye.
You had better drink it neat
before You have to meet 
 me and all of my mad mates
at those big pearly gates 
'cause we know You're gonna cry
when we drink Your Heaven dry!

Oh, very well. Here's the original.


Well, the 5 am Chihuahuas are an inspiration...

Let Chihuahuas run,
let all their barking
wake the neighbours!
They sleep too long

I feel kinda bad for Carly Simon.

Syl doesn't feel bad at all.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FAVOUR.

The Good Lord has done me the favour 
of granting humour to resist 
the galling path of cancer's labour,
but there are those who might insist
that I back off on the laughs,
and pay meet homage to the sacred,
but I will sign death's autographs
with a grin, and make the naked
admission that there's naught to lose,
for God must have a sense of fun,
and maybe sometimes wears clown shoes 
and snaps a wad of bubble gum,
and if I'm wrong as about said bubble,
boy, might I be in big trouble.

Syl has no words, but she's a dog.


  1. Replies
    1. 'Cause I kinda made a dog's breakfast of Let The River Run. Barb cringed (and laughed) at my rewrite.

  2. I am so glad you shared Barb's song as I had not heard it in a very long time. It was beautiful to listen to this morning. May we sing His praises here but can you imagine the heavenly chorus when we all sing before Him one day! Blessings to both you and Barb today!

  3. What a wonderful song. Continued prayers for you and Barb my friend.

  4. Beautiful song. I have not heard it for a while. If I ever have a serious affliction, I pray for the favor of greeting it with God's grace and humor, as you have.

  5. :) I have no words, and I'm not a dog! Keep the humour eh! :) FMF14
