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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Prayer For The Dying

 I had something else planned for today, but I think a lament for the victims of the midair collision at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC, is more appropriate.

A long time ago I collided with powerlines while flying a light aeroplane. While both the aeroplane and I were damaged, we remained flyable, and I had a chance to think about things on the way to a safe but weird landing at a local airfield.

The video footage I have seen makes it unlikely that anyone survived, and I pray the grace of God covered the victims with numbness as they fell from the sky. Last moments of clarity really, really suck.

Please close the eyes and minds and hearts
of those about to die
as the hold on life departs 
against a darkling sky.
Let not sharp fear be their embrace
in this last and worst of harms;
I pray they see Your smiling Face,
safe now in Your arms,
carried through the shining gates
and on the streets of gold
where a multitude awaits,
a warmth that fades the Earthly cold
and clothes them in garments that shine
which mark them as forever Thine.

Music from James Taylor, with Fire And Rain 

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SECOND.

How much fits into a second,
can we really know?
Is it what we've always reckoned,
or is there something deep below
the pass of time that we assume,
the clock's infernal ticking?
Is there some possible room
for us to be picking 
the way we follow the broad stream
of God's river of will?
Is this viewpoint too extreme,
or is there somewhere a calm still
pool of beauty and time's grace
in which we see God's changeless face?

Sylvia admits that some things are beyond ice cream's power, and require God



  1. Beautiful and from a prospective few can comprehend.
    - Barbara

  2. Such a tragedy. This is a beautiful prayer, Andrew.

  3. All I can do is watch, stare, and try to breathe.

  4. Andrew, beautiful prayer. And now may we keep the families in prayer.

  5. that was such a sad occurrence eh? The families.... so hard for them. FMF15

  6. Amen. But God in His grace and mercy...

  7. Beautiful words, Andrew. Praying for the families left behind.
