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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Only Kindness Matters

 Is it so wrong to be polite,
is courtesy now mortal sin?
Are we caged weasels set to fight,
at any cost to win?
Is 'in your face' the watchword now,
with snarky comments as the rule?
Are cruelties the best way how
to approach a verbal duel?
Is it to late for us to see
that what divides us does not mean
we can't agree to disagree?
Is decency a fading dream
from those long-past golden years
limned in mem'ry's bitter tears?

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is DEFEAT. It won't beat me.

If we won't have civility,
and pay respect that's only meet,
we will forfeit the victory 
that we sought, and taste defeat
that will bring us to the place
of rude slave-state nations,
trading out our gift of grace
'gainst loudmouth protestations,
daily bread of those who would divide
folk more similar than not
to puff up their swelling pride
until all blessings we have got
are cast into sulphuric fire
that will rise, and rise the higher.

Three minutes, got it.

Music from Jewel, with, obviously, Only Kindness Matters 

The song is actually called Hands, but who remembers that?

Sylvia really dislikes conflict, especially over ice cream.


  1. I like this, it says a lot and has a good message.

  2. I like what you did with the prompt. Defeat does not defeat! FMF#2

  3. This is so good, Andrew..
    A very thought provoking message.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. So true - the importance of kindness and respect in all our communications.
