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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dare To Compare? (Tell His Story)



One of the reasons I'm really glad the Olympics are over is that the temptation to comparison is gone.

So many ads showing The Good Life, do much fawning over athletes and celebrities...my life felt kinda grubby in comparison, very much thrift store (where we do find some pretty cool stuff).

The worse the cancer gets, the easier it is to put comparison aside, though 
 That's something, I guess, but when you feel yourself drifting away from the human race, it may not be a good thing.

What about you? How do you get past the societal pressure for comparison?

Sylvia doesn't have a problem. She figures everyone compares themselves to her, and comes up short.

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  1. Comparison is an ugly beast, for sure!

  2. Ain't got no time for all that comparison stuff. We've got bigger fish to fry, right?

  3. Certain situations certainly tempt us to compare. But we never know what another person's wrestling with. I try to avoid those temptations and remember my Father's love for me.

  4. Comparison can be so detrimental to our relationships as well as to our own selves. For me, I think I get past it by being grateful for what I have in life. I also think the passing of years has helped me to not be looking at what others do or have.

  5. Comparison to Him keeps the right perspective, Andrew.
