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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Establishment Clause (Tell His Story)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

Thus, the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

And a darn good thing. In Jolly Olde, the Monarch is the head of the state church, the Church of England.

How would you like, say, Joe Biden as our Defender of the Faith.

Sorry. I'll wait 'till you finish puking.

So we're supposed to have no officially flavoured religion, and no interference in the faith we practice.

That last bit isn't working out too well these days.

It may not be what you thought,
it may cause some consternation,
but the Founding Fathers felt we ought
not to be a Christian nation.
Our underpinnings are, yes, based
on Judeo-Christian firmament,
but they would not have us faced
with a state-run faith establishment,
and so it clearly was laid out
that all belief must be protected,
and we therefore have no call to pout
that some are raised and some neglected...
at least, that's how it's s'posed to be,
but often it's not what I see.

Sylvia knows there's a God, and that God knows there's a Sylvia. That's enough for her.

  In the absence of music (Blogger won't let me link a video on my phone), here are a couple of things pictures of Sylvia, my blog's public face, on an ice-cream run.


  1. I’m really glad that God believes in me 😍

  2. I'm afraid the trend is to ensure freedom from religion and God. :-(

    1. Debbie, I'm afraid you're right, and I think the effort to create a secular society deliberately ignores constitutional principles.

  3. No matter our political leanings, it sure is time for prayer, isn't it ...

    1. It absolutely is time for prayer, Linda. Most definitely.

  4. Perish the thought (Joe Biden as the defender of the faith).
    I'm with Sylvia.
