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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ready To Hang With Jesus? (Tell His Story)


They will hate you and revile you,
curse the Gospel you hold dear
for they cannot stand Him true,
the God who is their deepest fear,
and they will try to break your heart
make you  for your faith atone.
If you refuse to play your part 
then they will gladly break each bone,
and you will let your hands be tied,
pray for them in your surrender,
for rebellion will have died 
the more often you remember
that the road to Calvary 
must be your willing destiny.

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  1. May each breath we take be a prayer to Him.

  2. We were just talking about persecution on Sunday, Andrew. Some persecution is minor - ridicule, snubs - and other persecutions are life-threatening - prison, beheading, burning, etc. May the Lord strengthen His People in whatever circumstances they find themselves.
