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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Tribute To A Fine Wife

Barb says it's the screams that wake her up. For some reason, around midnight, the ordeal is set worse. Perhaps my body relaxes, and a tumour is freed to do its evil will, blocking breath and squeezing out life (poetic description, eh?).

I say that screaming in pain is un-manly. I am more giving vocal outlet to a stern displeasure.

"Yeah. Whatever."

And she sits up with me, until the tide washes out once again.

And thus, for this and for so much more, she deserves a tribute.

I need a nickname for my wife,

one to truly fit her,

so at risk to limb and life

I’m going to call her ‘Critter’.

She wanders where the wild things be,

not shy, not in the least;

saints and demons turn and flee

because she is a beast.

The ground, it shakes beneath her feet,

the very mountains give applause;

when she’s at God’s judgement seat,

her presence will give pause.

He’ll pass a hand across His brow;

“I guess you’re taking over now?”

I was going to use Chris deBrugh's Lady in Red as the musical theme, but went with Manic, instead, fom the movie Flashdance (click here if your device doesn't show it). Barb looks a lot like Jennifer Beals, and there's a Pit Bull in the video that looks like our Roscoe.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. That's a fine tribute, Andrew, but along with the smile it brought me, are tears for your pain. You are one amazing human being. Sending love and prayers for the Lord's mercy and grace. Grams.

    1. Grams, thank you so much for this (and please excuse y delayed reply, it's been a BAD week for me). I so appreciate your love and prayers!

  2. Praying for you and for Barb continually, dear Andrew.

    1. Mariel, thank you so much. Prayers are vital, and treasured.

  3. You and Babara are such an inspiration . What a lovely tribute Loretta

  4. Praying for you both! God knew you needed Barb, a fierce woman to help you battle at night. May God continue to be with you both, bringing you both all you need - both day and night!

    1. Andrew, I am a caregiver. Sometimes it is hard to determine who has it harder, me or the client. My heart knows it is worse for the physically impaired (??) Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to have, harder to watch. Maybe? I am praying for you and for Barbara. She is so blessed that you see her!!! Even if it is with 4 legs.

    2. Joanne, you're so right...I would not have made it without Barb. We're so grateful for your kind words, and prayers!

    3. Mary, from where I stand - painfully - it's far harder to watch. barb has the short end of the stick here. I can't speak to all caregiving situations, as they are all unique, but I can see the pain in her face and the sorrow in her eyes...and she is indeed an awesome Critter.

  5. Your wife the beast...a Mighty Servant of the Lord. She is sitting with you through the hard and battling with you. What a gift. What a tribute. I, too, am thankful for my spouse being with me in the times I am weak. Write on, Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, Barb is both Mighty, and a Beast...and I am so blessed!

      Glad you are, too!

  6. What a lovely tribute to "critter" your wife. She's a lady whos committed. Continued prayers, for you and Barb, Andrew. Blessings.

    1. Paula, Barb truly is committed (though she did say, "Marrying you, dude, I should have BEEN committed!).

      We thank you so much for your prayers. They are needed. Things are bad.

  7. Andrew, it sounds that like me, you married up. Barb, sounds like a Proverbs 32 woman and I know how much you value her. I pray for both of you as you go through this ordeal.

    1. Duane, you're absolutely right. I married, up, Barb is a Prov32, and I value her more than I can say.

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  8. Barb is a fine woman. And, your hero! xo

    1. Susan, Barb is indeed my hero. XOXOXOXO from us both.

  9. Your poem made me smile. Praying for you both!

    1. Lesley, I'm so glad you liked the poem, and we are so very grateful for your prayers.

  10. This is so lovely! Your wife sounds like a fine and mighty beast.

    1. Ellie, thank you so much...and she is indeed the loveliest of beasts.

  11. Andrew, I can only imagine that your tribute "for all the world to read" blesses your precious wife at the deepest part of her soul. Her love for you is strong--and obviously yours for her. You make a great team, and I know she is standing strong beside you. But when you're both weak... she's still there. Prayers continue for you both.

    1. Susan, thank you for this...we do indeed make a great team, and I would be lost without her.

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  12. good thing you didn't let her get away eh? :)

    1. Annette, yes...so glad I did not let her get away!

  13. A beautiful tribute to your lovely wife.

  14. I have walked Barb's path. God's grace gave us a respite, but that looks to be perhaps drawing to a close. Prayers and blessings on you both.

    1. Sue, we are praying that your respite does continue. Blessings!

  15. She is quite a woman. You guys are quite a team ...

    And I am lifting you both up in prayer. Right now.

    1. Linda, Barb sure is quite a woman. I'm so blessed.

      And we are so grateful for your prayers.

    2. Linda, Barb sure is quite a woman. I'm so blessed.

      And we are so grateful for your prayers.

  16. Good for Barb. Strength, beauty, brains.... Endurance, wit, compassion.... Glad for her life and that you have her walking through the challenges with you. Another week of carrying on. Yay, Andrew!

    1. My dear Norma...exactly right. Barb's strength, beauty, brains, endurance, wit, and compassion have made my continued life possible!

  17. I'm so sorry that you have to endure such pain, Andrew! I remember when I had shingles the nighttime was the worst time for the pain. Felt like a vice was clamping down on my ribcage. But I digress! Will be praying for you, and hoping that "Critter" remains steadfastly by your side through it all!

    1. Beth, yeah, the night is the worst...too much time to think, and to feel it without distraction.

      Many thanks for your prayers...and Critter is here.

  18. God bless you, Barb & Andrew. I pray for a good nights sleep for you both.

    1. Suette, thank you so much...a good night's sleep would really be a blessing!

  19. We all need to give tribute to those who mean the most! Thanks for the reminder, Andrew

  20. Marie, she is my shining star.

    Thank you so much or your prayers!

  21. When my husband needed his aortic bi-valve replaced two January's ago - and they found a cancer nodule in his lung, resulting in a lobe being taken out, a massive infection - I experienced first hand the need to fight for your loved one, to help in the hard ways - it was an intense three months - but, wow, the love - it was like God showing us what 36 years of not giving up each other had grown. What a terrific love you and Barb have grown - in the good, the bad and the hardest of hards!

    1. I love the way you said this...'it was like Go showing us what 36 years of not giving up had grown'. So true, even though we don't have quite that amount of time put in.

      Thank you so much for this lovely affirmation, and for being here.
