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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

How Will You Face Your Death? (Tell His Story)


Do you think about the day
that you'll be heading home?
Do you think about the way
you'll face that great unknown,
the door between this mortal place 
and the life to come?
Will you want to stand and face
that portal as it's swung,
or like me, would you close your eyes,
and wait for Heaven's morning breeze,
familiar yet a great surprise
and it whispers through the rustling trees,
far past life and far past death,
the benison of Holy Breath?

Sylvia will keep her eyes open, thank you very much, to try to quickly score some ice cream.

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  1. I’m just very grateful that when death’s door swings open for me, Jesus will be on the other side.

  2. For believers, the best is yet to be!
