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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bee Not Afraid

 I was just thinking about bees and Israelites, and rembered a fragment from a song I heard at church:

"...bees aren't afraid,
they go before you making 
honey so sweet 
to mix into your tea."

This must have been a great comfort to Moses and the gang on their way to the land of milk and honey.

And I had never thought of bees as brave...in fact, I hoped they weren't 'cause I'm allergic too bee stings...but think of it, they had to be brave to be a Plague of Egypt, and help the Israelites escape.

Really makes me think.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SPECIFIC.

We have got to bee specific 
when we talk 'bout stinging bugs
that can be far from terrific;
in fact, I really think they're thugs
looking for someone to stab,
not caring if they die in sending
me to a cold mort'ary slab
anaphylaxis as my ending.
That did nearly happen once,
and I thought that I was heaven-bound,
but I am not quite the dunce
and in the years since I have found
that avoidance of the lethal stings
lies in killing all the bloody things.

Three minutes forty-five.

Syl thinks I have a bee in my bonnet.


  1. Love it, Andrew! I have heard a lot about why bees are important and why we need them, but I must admit I'm not a great fan!

  2. Bumblebees, Honeybees and Wasp

    Tiny things that run the world,
    busy beats, their wings unfurled.
    Bumblebees love anther(pollen) threads
    blooming hues of blues and reds.
    Golden pearls spread all about,
    gathered by a little scout.

    Pollinizers-Flower Power
    Flower bouquets spread their scent,
    whiffs and swirls at spring’s advent.
    Orchard bees seek apple trees
    guided by a fragrant breeze.
    Bees create a honey treat-
    with lavender so pure and sweet.

    Excerpt from my book, Yes, flowers have favorites too!

  3. I love honeybees and was planning to get set up with my own hives before we moved. But I have no tolerance for any other stinging insect, and am a little scared of being stung by a bee, so I think it's a good idea to bee specific about which kind of bee we're talking about! Honeybees = good; carpenter bees = horrible!! Great poem today!

  4. YO! Don't go killing all the bees we need them as pollinators...mind... this said after I've asked my lad to help me remove a nest of bumblebees that threaten me and my bunny rabbits. .... I doubt they will survive the "helping mom out" work. FMF12 but one does what one needs to do

  5. Severe allergies are no joke! I'm not seriously allergic to bees and other stinging bugs and insects, but I do swell and itch very badly, so I understand a little! I used to seriously wonder why God made the mozzies too, but I know He has His reasons!

  6. Forgot to say, by Dawn, above
