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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

You Aren't Alone


Drag your heart out of the deep
and frozen place where it has gone.
Bid soul rise from fevered sleep,
and now arise to meet the dawn.
You're not promised life sans pain,
and free of loss and free from fear;
His promise is that He'll remain
and that His heart will hold you dear
down that dark and lonely road
that always seems to lie ahead.
If you allow, He'll share the load
and help you learn to sing instead
of weeping, for He knows your story
will join His in clouds of glory.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is IMPULSE. Hmmm...

The impulse used to live in me
to play my fiction of a man,
that everyone who looked might see
me as fulfillment of God's plan
for a golden bright ideal,
fit and hard and quick and kind,
yet someone who could keep it real
while having Heaven on his mind.
But now, truly, I have fallen,
and to my shame I can't get up.
There's no choice but to be calling
for the humble poison cup
that will kill what I had planned 
that I may take Jesus' hand.

Three minutes thirty and change.

Music from The King, with You'll Never Walk Alone

Sylvia says, I'm coming too!



  1. I love your poetry, Andrew. This one especially, is one of my favorites. I posted it on Facebook. You are very inspiring. 💗Terri #3 FMF

    1. Terri, thank you so much...and you inspire me, more than you may know.

  2. I love that first poem - the reminder of God's promise that none of us are ever really alone. The story sonnet you left as a comment on my post today was a beautiful love story and maybe my favorite! Thank you for honoring me with that one!

    1. Kym, thank you for this...and your blog was the perfect place for the 'love song' sonnet.

  3. Love your thought about taking the poison cup to your own plans, so that Jesus's plans may be fulfilled iin you
    Just stopped by from #11

    1. Heather, the poison cup to my own plans was a hard concept to learn to live with, much less love.

      But it was worth it.

  4. Thank you for sharing words drawn from deep. The valley in the dark. The garden.
    Thank you for sharing from your depth of faith and hope still to be seen.

  5. Your words never cease to amaze me, and His grace never seems to amaze me. Thank God He is more than we ever can or will imagine! Prayers continue.

    1. Mary, I live surrounded and uplifted by His Grace.

  6. Your words are poignant and inspiring. Love "There's no choice but to be calling for the humble poison cup that will kill what I had planned that I may take Jesus' hand." He is using you through your sonnets to touch many hearts.

    1. Grams, thank you so much for this. I do my best to be honest with myself, my readers, and circumstances. And, sometimes, to have some fun.

  7. My impulse is to give Cynthia a hug and a kiss. :)
    You write beautifully!

    1. Lux, she'll sure appreciate the hug and kiss...and we thank you for your affirmation.

  8. Yes indeed, His promise is that He will never leave nor forsake us! Thank you for this.

  9. Andrew, beautiful, profound words as always. I praise God He determines we will never be alone!

    1. Donna, thank you. Indeed, He never leaves us. Sometimes we turn away, but He's always waiting, arms open, with a smile.

      And sometimes a tear.

  10. I think many do see you as fulfillment of God's plan, Andrew. You allow God to speak through you. Bless you and yours.

    1. Dawn, gosh... I don't know what to say, but thank you for the honour in your words.

  11. Yep, He remains, He never leaves, He walks with us through the darkest valleys. He's not surprised or caught unaware, or overwhelmed. No wonder we love Him so.

    1. Linda, absolutely right. We mean the world to Him, and He's always there for us.

  12. Corinne, thank you for this. I'm so glad He stoops to take my hand!
