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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Snow Dog

Huskies and snow, a match made in Heaven!


 First thing this morning there was snow,
and at the door Denali tarried
long enough to let me know
that Princess Husky must be carried.
Fellow huskies pull their sleds
and revel in the Arctic air,
snooze within their snow-cave beds,
but The Princess does not care
for anything not warm and soft
(clearly what a Princess needs!);
thus she must be held aloft,
above the snow, for outdoor deeds,
and I'm lucky she's not large
for it's clear that she's in charge.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TRIAL. Over to Denali for her take...

Oh, REALLY, all that snow,
it's just so plain to see
that it truly has to go,
and I mean totally.
It makes me shiver from my paws,
and ice forms on my nose,
and I think that there should be laws
on where the cold wind blows!
So my human is commanded
to carry me (it's only right!)
to the yard when it's demanded;
daytime, or the dead of night,
and though this may sound quite the the trial,
every time, I see him smile.

Four minutes. Princess Denali just set a record, claws a-clicking on the Smart Phone.

Music from George Harrison, with Gone Troppo.

Sylvia likes Sno-cones, as well as ice cream.



  1. Princess Denali would be just like our little Link! We don't live in snow...but when we visited it was very hard for him to do the deeds in the snow! I cannot blame them! Snow is beautiful to look at...but oh so cold! I much prefer the cold in ice cream form as your sweet picture shows!

    The Lord delights in these animals and in YOU!
    Jennifer, FMF Neighbor

  2. Jennifer, thank you for this, and for sharing your experience with Link.

    Funny thing, Bray the Dachshund really LOVES snow, especially when it's deep enough that all you can see is her tail above the surface, like a periscope.

  3. Our boiler was replaced this week and Buddy, our toy Yorkie, made it clear that freezing conditions indoors was not acceptable!

    1. Tish, Denali and I sure agree about the cold!

  4. Andrew, this post made me smile as I, too, would love to be carried instead of having to walk through high snow. Here just outside of Boston, it is predicted to have about 2' of snow tomorrow :) Denali has the right idea - just enjoy ice cream!

    1. Joanne, in this belated reply...we have about 2" of snow this morning!

  5. Love the name, Denali. Our little Sam loved the snow and would tiptoe through it to do his business!!!

    1. Susan, Denali loves her name. She may not like the snow, but Service Dog Belle absolutely loves it!

  6. Snow when first met seems exciting but soon the shivers set in, bones chill and it is time to go in. Better to look at than and to go through. So, sit by the fire and stay out of the -- cold. (Yea I wrote mire but terrible rhyme.;) ).

  7. Princess Denali indeed! Our little yorkie has a little indoor pee pad and the great outdoors, so no carrying over snow for us. Ha!

  8. I prefer to enjoy the snow as I sit in my warm house and look out the window so I can see where Princess Denali is coming from. ;-)

    1. Kym, I'll agree with that... this morning we had snow, and 11°. Brrrr!

  9. This was just SO much fun to read. Your Princess Denali sure has a wonderful human to carry her through her trials. I suspect that she does much to carry you along in yours. Take care, brother.

    1. BarefootLilyLady, you have it so right Denali indeed carries me.

  10. I really enjoyed meeting your dog! Our lazy Tucker (also a snow dog) sends his greetings!

  11. Michele, Denali sends a high five to you and Tucker!

  12. Andrew, both of these sonnets were delightful. Your Princess Denali must know she's loved. I'm especially impressed by her typing abilities. Pass on my admiration. ;) I'm praying for you guys.
