I'm still here, and the moment is everything.
You'll get no help from yesterday
and potential doesn't matter.
Your only focus is the way
that you still climb up the ladder.
You are alone upon the stage
in the spotlight's ice-hot glare
and every moment seems an age;
oh, how did you get there?
Do not ask for pity, friend,
for compliments or favour,
for here, today, at journey's end
your only hope's your Saviour.
Forget tomorrow, accept instead
His Love as your daily bread.
Music from 30 Seconds To Mars, with Do Or Die.
Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.
Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.
Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.
ReplyDeleteHis Love - Our Daily Bread!
Thank you, Andrew.
Annie in Texas
DeleteThank YOU! (And please pardon my delay in replying.)
Your song is so precious to those of us who are privileged to hear it. I'm so trying to live those last two lines -- "accept instead HIs love as your daily bread". That's the key, of course.
ReplyDeletePatti, thank you so much for this (and please excuse my tardy reply).
DeleteThank you for your beautiful poem. May Jesus be my daily bread. And may He carry you through every moment.
ReplyDeleteBettie, thank you for these lovely thoughts (and please pardon my delay in replying)...and know you are in our prayers.
Deletegood words spoken
ReplyDeleteAnnette, thank you! (And please pardon my tardy reply.)
DeleteYes, His love is our daily bread, your daily manna, Andrew, until you see Him face to face in that place where there's no more night, no pain, no sorrow, no tears. From a hymn..."what a day, glorious day, that will be!" His peace & grace to you and Barb.
ReplyDeleteLove, Kathryn
Kathryn, thank you so much for these lovely thoughts, and for the reminder of the hymn...and please excuse my very tardy reply.
DeleteLove back, from both of us.
So true. What would we do without Him? Not very well. God is enough. Somehow, you know He is enough when life crashes in around you. It's a comforting knowledge. Prayers, my friend.
ReplyDeleteMy dear Norma, He is indeed enough...and when the roof falls in He's the only thing that works!
DeleteThank you so much for the prayers, and please excuse my delay in responding.
Lovely poem, Andrew! Praying that you know God giving you exactly what you need today and that you sense his love.
ReplyDeleteLesley, I am so glad you enjoyed this, and so grateful for your prayers. I do sense His love; I live in it.
DeleteAnd please pardon my delay in replying!
"His love - our daily bread."
ReplyDeleteAndrew, praying for you today. May He sustain you and bring you strength. Blessings!
Joanne, we're so grateful for your prayers...He does indeed sustain.
DeleteBlessings back, and I apologise for the slow response.
Our Daily Bread. The Air we breathe.
ReplyDeleteHe is indeed, Susan. Thank you for being here, and please pardon my tardy reply.
DeleteBeautiful Andrew.
ReplyDeleteLeon, thank you so much! (And please excuse my slow response.)
DeleteYes. His love needs to be our daily bread. Not weekly cake or yearly thing but daily bread. Thanks, Andrew, for reminding us of God's goodness and power in the midst of everything. May God surround you with his powerful daily, hourly, momentarily grace. And may he take care of your every need. Blessings upon blessings!
ReplyDeleteMari-Anna, thank you for these lovely, grace-filled words 9and please excuse my slowness in responding).
DeleteHe is indeed here. Everything's OK.
Andrew, all I can think of is the song from the musical Wicked "For Good." We've all been changed for the better by you. Praying for you and Barbara!
ReplyDeleteTara, wow, I am so honoured! Thank you! (And please pardon my tardy reply.)
DeleteWe truly appreciate your prayers.
"accept instead
ReplyDeleteHis Love as your daily bread."
Wow, what a challenge!
It's a challenge worth taking up.
DeletePowerful poem, as always, Andrew. But I really like the ending of this one! Very lovely twist and important message. I'm trying to make this my daily goal and aim. I hope you are sensing the prayers of your friends--including me and my daily prayers for you, my friend!
ReplyDeleteBeth, I am delighted that you like this, and found a worthwhile take-away...that means so much to me.
DeleteI do sense your prayers, and value them more than I can say. (And please do pardon the late reply.)
Beautiful. May He be your daily bread. Much love to you and Barbara. Praying for you both!
ReplyDeleteRachel, thank you so much...and it's just wonderful to see you here!
DeleteWe're so grateful for your prayers. Love back!
Hallo, ich möchte mein wundervolles Zeugnis teilen. Nachdem er jahrelang mit Husband in Verbindung stand, hat er sich von mir getrennt. Ich habe alles getan, um ihn zurückzubringen, aber alles war vergebens. Ich wollte ihn wegen der Liebe, die ich habe, so sehr zurückbringen Für ihn habe ich ihn mit allem angefleht, ich habe Versprechungen gemacht, aber er lehnte dies ab. Ich erklärte meinem Freund mein Problem und sie schlug vor, dass ich mich lieber an einen Zauberwirker wenden sollte, der mir helfen könnte, einen Zauber zu wirken, um ihn zurückzubringen, aber ich bin der Typ, der niemals an den Zauber geglaubt hat. Ich hatte keine Wahl, als zu versuchen, ich E-Mail an den Zauberer, und er sagte mir, dass es kein Problem sei, dass vor drei Tagen alles in Ordnung sein wird, dass mein Ex vor drei Tagen zu mir zurückkehren wird, er hat den Zauber gewirkt und am zweiten Tag war es überraschend gegen 16 Uhr. Mein Ex rief mich an, ich war so überrascht, dass ich den Anruf entgegennahm und alles, was er sagte, war, dass es ihm so leid tat, dass alles geschah, dass er wollte, dass ich zu ihm zurückkehrte, dass er mich so sehr liebte. Ich war so glücklich und ging zu ihm, so dass wir wieder glücklich miteinander leben konnten. Seitdem habe ich versprochen, dass jeder, den ich kenne und ein Beziehungsproblem habe, dieser Person helfen würde, indem ich ihn oder sie an den einzigen wirklichen und mächtigen Zauberkünstler verweise, der mir bei meinem eigenen Problem geholfen hat. E-Mail: babawalewiseman01@gmail.com Sie können ihm eine E-Mail senden, wenn Sie Hilfe in Ihrer Beziehung oder in einem anderen Fall benötigen.
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