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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

WWJD About The Chosen? (Tell His Story)

 And so we have four seasons of The Chosen, probably the biggest thing in Christian media since Charlton Heston parted the Red Sea.

The series has its critics; some feel that any portrayal of Jesus violates the Second Commandment, and that the approach to characterization and dialogue are entirely too speculative.

For others, the Jesus portrayed by Jonathan Roumie doesn't match the Jesus of their heart, and the rather striking characterization of Simon and Matthew are jarring.

On the other had, many praise the fidelity to the Gospel accounts, notwithstanding the need to fill in details, both physical and character-wise, to bring setting and story to life.

What do you think? Have you seen The Chosen in whole or part?

If you quit, what drove you away?

How do you think Jesus feels?

In this house, we like it. A lot.

And Sylvia is half in love with Matthew's dog.

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  1. I usually watch TV with my husband. He didn't like the dark backgrounds in season one. He had difficulty seeing what was going on, so we didn't continue watching. But I've heard lots of good about it.

  2. We only watched two shows. Our favorite Bible portrayals are the Visual Bible (Matthew and Acts) with Charles K. Robertson as Jesus. My children called him the smiling Jesus. I really appreciate the balance of joy and suffering portrayed in the Visual Bible. They read from the Bible and act our scenes which bring the Word to life. I highly recommend both!

    1. Charles K. Robertson is the producer and Bruce Marchiano is the actor who portrays Jesus.
