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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Vineyard

 I am not a plaster saint,
and I won't pretend to be
something that I truly ain't,
so don't you go and preach at me
about abstaining from my beer
to follow Jesus Christ;
the Bible makes it really clear
that wine wasn't sacrificed.
Look at the Cana wedding feast;
if the Christ was a teetotaler,
don't you think He would at least 
have turned wine back to water?
In Heaven we'll have us a brew,
and He will save one just for you.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is MAKE. I damaged an eye, so I will make this short.

Make and mend, the wise men say,
for we cannot have it all,
not even days when we pretend
to be Cinderella at the ball,
for soon or late the hour strikes,
and the Visa bill comes due,
and we cringe and whimper 'Yikes!
Can I skin a quid off you?'
Better far to live within
the means ability has set,
for it is some kind of sin
to walk on past that and forget
that we just cannot spend our way
out of the debt from yesterday.

Not sure what I was trying to say there, do you? But it took less than five minutes!

Sylvia does love her wine. Well, mine, when she can steal it.


  1. Love this, Andrew! The thought of Sylvia stealing your wine made me smile!

    1. Thanks, Lesley! Stealing my wine makes Sylvia smile, too!

  2. I watched Candace Owens' take on Amber Rose's speech at the RNC this past week. Amber is not like me in many ways, but she still has a voice that many will listen to. She chose to think for herself and examine the issues. Imagine what she can do for Christ, if she were saved. Make room at the table for everyone, no matter their past.

  3. Love both Andrew! Alcohol don't like me, in any form, so I abstain. Can't speak for anyone else. Don't take my chocolate or decaf! You can take my bills though, please do! I always pray for you, and you always deliver!!!! Mary Hood here.

  4. Hi Andrew, nothing wrong with drinking wine, red wine is good for the stomach, and a tot of whiskey every day keeps the arteries open. It is like all things , as long as we do not let it take control over our lives it is ok. God bless.
