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Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Song Does Not Remain The Same

I guess it is how I was made,
but it don't trouble in the least 
to sit beneath the shining blade
at Damocles' fancy feast,
so pass smooth Southern whiskey,
and pass the fine cigars.
Pass the party girls (so frisky!)
who'll take me to the stars,
and let's all hoot and holler,
'cause all the world's a game,
but friend, it does not follow 
that the song remains the same
for one day soon joy will be full
for child, drunk, and dumb animal.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is CAPACITY.

I'm guilty of a paucity 
of blog participation;
it's just past my capacity,
and thus, the situation 
of wanting to respond in kind
to my far-distant friends,
but lack of O2 slows the mind,
and this is how it ends,
with brave words on Thursday night,
resolve that I'll do better,
but I am just plumb out of fight,
and typing every letter 
is such weight upon my chest,
but I remain, doing my best.

It took over five minutes, but I am just so tired now 

Sylvia rather resents the term 'dumb animal', and I have learned to appreciate the term 'finger food'.


  1. You do amazing, Andrew and are an incredible witness.
    Continuing to keep you and Barb in prayer.

  2. Well, "dumb animal" is an ancient term meaning "animal that doesn't talk" which, it seems, is not always true ... Blessings on your day. Praying more energy for you!

  3. Your words still have strength, it seems. And reading them is a great blessing to us because God is working through your gifts and efforts. Praying for you and Barb.
