Greek..."a habit or permanent state of mind"
In life I've been accused of being false. False in my
happiness, false in my peace, false in my
contentment. Truth is no one is 100% any
emotion. Even if the world sees the best
of you, does that make you false? Of course not.
There are moments in everyday, I'm grateful for the veil God has placed
between me and the world. The veil
allows me to do the necessary things of life without speaking much frustration, anger,
discontent, disdain, or falsehood into the immediate environment. The veil also keeps me from knowing these
emotions immediately.
Yet the truth is, all
in all, I've practiced contentment most
my life. It was ingrained as a child. Mom taught appreciation of expensive and
beautiful things. Enjoying the essence
of something without having to possess it.
Even later recalling it and enjoying the memory. She was teaching me contentment, how to
create the state of mind that would become permanent.
Contentment once learned is easily applied to daily life, almost effortlessly. Truely I don't even make
a conscious effort, contentment is part
of my character, personal attribute.
So to some of the world I'm false, so be it.
At home I tend to be more serious, contemplative but rest assured, I'm content amongst the chaos. It would
appear impossible, yet what allows the contentment.
My contentment comes from Knowing Who I Am. Not my talents, not my profession at this moment in
life, not the amount of money I make or don't
make, or who really knows me, etc.
It's my Character, that has been built on an unwavering Cornerstone.
I may slip, I may tilt, I am bend and nearly break; but Jesus is strong
& unflawed providing My Home, My Refuge, My Safe Shelter, the Shadow of His Wings keeps
me grounded.
My Contentment is His Glory inside me holding me steadfast.
The musical accompaniment is You Are My Hiding Place...