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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Heaven Is Like Barbara

So I went to Heaven a couple of nights ago. Pain that had me screaming, Barb didn't know what to do, and I faded into the Reality.

Want specifics? Light and colour and dancing and music, angels and friends and anticipation. A blue sky and a sandy warm beach, cars and aeroplanes (running, yes, on gas).

And God. He is not the picture, He's the pigment and the binder and the canvas and the brush, and the frame and the wire for hanging, and the nails in the wall on which portrait is hung.

It was disappointing to be sent back, but there had to be a reason, maybe just to give assurance that Heaven is a real place, a place that when you get there, you'll know that you've always known it, and you'll know that it's always new and surprising.

I mean, didn't Jesus say, "Behold, I make all things new?"

Heaven's what you always knew,
but surprising, just like life,
so I guess, when day is through,
that Heaven's like my wife,
whom I had met before we met
(I'm sure you understand),
whom I have learned so well and yet
is undiscovered land
with laughter hiding in the trees
and grace in every grassy swale.
She stands much taller on her knees 
than some tap-dancing whale,
and thus I know Heaven above
is mirrored by the one I love.

Heaven also has a soundtrack. Here's a typical song.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is NOISE.

I can hear a lot of noise
just beyond those pearly gates.
Sounds like Jesus and the boys 
have got a party on their plates,
with shouting, laughter, and more fun
than we ever saw on Earth,
which is maybe how the Son
shows us just what faith is worth.
There are no shrinking violets here,
no wallflowers stand in the shade,
for God has made it very clear
that on arrival here we trade
the hesitancy and the quiet
for a dancing, loving riot.

For Sylvia, vanilla ice cream is always new.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

God's Duct Tape (Tell His Story)

 Sometimes upon the worst of days
when breath comes hard and painful,
that's the time to offer praise,
the time when it's most gainful,
not for brownie points, for sure,
'cause that's not how God works;
no, it makes the mind secure
against the spastic jerks
that befall the carnal man
in seeking an escape;
focused praise takes him in hand
to bind him in divine duct tape,
and places him on bended knee
where he can be truly free.

Sylvia kneels for God too, especially when He brings ice cream.


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Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Prayer For The Dying

 I had something else planned for today, but I think a lament for the victims of the midair collision at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC, is more appropriate.

A long time ago I collided with powerlines while flying a light aeroplane. While both the aeroplane and I were damaged, we remained flyable, and I had a chance to think about things on the way to a safe but weird landing at a local airfield.

The video footage I have seen makes it unlikely that anyone survived, and I pray the grace of God covered the victims with numbness as they fell from the sky. Last moments of clarity really, really suck.

Please close the eyes and minds and hearts
of those about to die
as the hold on life departs 
against a darkling sky.
Let not sharp fear be their embrace
in this last and worst of harms;
I pray they see Your smiling Face,
safe now in Your arms,
carried through the shining gates
and on the streets of gold
where a multitude awaits,
a warmth that fades the Earthly cold
and clothes them in garments that shine
which mark them as forever Thine.

Music from James Taylor, with Fire And Rain 

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SECOND.

How much fits into a second,
can we really know?
Is it what we've always reckoned,
or is there something deep below
the pass of time that we assume,
the clock's infernal ticking?
Is there some possible room
for us to be picking 
the way we follow the broad stream
of God's river of will?
Is this viewpoint too extreme,
or is there somewhere a calm still
pool of beauty and time's grace
in which we see God's changeless face?

Sylvia admits that some things are beyond ice cream's power, and require God


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Climbing The Tree Of Hope (Tell His Story)

 Despair's been big on my mind lately, and I try to keep it warded off with long-term projects. Not easy to do when you're tied to an oxygen hose and having a Diet Coke really hurts the gut, but there you go.

It's tempting, sometimes, to over-reach, to get to ambitious for the day's abilities, on the theory that it's better to aim high and miss the mark than aim low and make it.

Pardon my French, but bollocks.

A failed attempt, however noble, is still a failure, and builds a foundation of doubt.

A small success, however small, is success, and builds a foundation of confidence.

And sitting here with the pain and fatigue and incontinence (truth hurts!), I need to build confidence, and never discouragement.

Climbing up the tree of hope,
so slender and so tall;
tie yourself off with a rope,
for if you slip and fall
it's a long way to that hard cold ground,
and tough to get back up,
and one thing in this life I've found,
that caution's a grace-cup
to hold you in the tired hours,
when you're apt to take a chance 
for which you do not have the powers
to keep footing and balance.
It's not weakness to stop and rest;
that pause may be you at your best.

Sylvia says, yeah, pause and have some ice cream!


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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Songs Made New

Cancer's cost me a lot since the beginning of the year, so I thought I'd have some fun.

While I can, said the melodramatic poet.

Barb's wakeup tune on her phone got modified...

Lord, I lift Your name on High
with a fifth of Southern Rye.
You had better drink it neat
before You have to meet 
 me and all of my mad mates
at those big pearly gates 
'cause we know You're gonna cry
when we drink Your Heaven dry!

Oh, very well. Here's the original.


Well, the 5 am Chihuahuas are an inspiration...

Let Chihuahuas run,
let all their barking
wake the neighbours!
They sleep too long

I feel kinda bad for Carly Simon.

Syl doesn't feel bad at all.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FAVOUR.

The Good Lord has done me the favour 
of granting humour to resist 
the galling path of cancer's labour,
but there are those who might insist
that I back off on the laughs,
and pay meet homage to the sacred,
but I will sign death's autographs
with a grin, and make the naked
admission that there's naught to lose,
for God must have a sense of fun,
and maybe sometimes wears clown shoes 
and snaps a wad of bubble gum,
and if I'm wrong as about said bubble,
boy, might I be in big trouble.

Syl has no words, but she's a dog.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

For Pity's Sake (Tell His Story)

 What do you do when you are past
the strength that you depended on?
What do you do when the last
reserves of faith have fled, are gone?
What do you do when each demand
is piled onto things left undone,
and no-one seems to understand 
that at last your race is run?
Do you beg for pity's sake
from your bended knees,
asking that God please not break
the soul that's now the least of these?
The better me knew, long ago,
but now I know that I don't know.

Sylvia doesn't know, either.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025


 God's given me the City's keys,
and this I have been told,
that I need not walk on bended knees
upon the Streets of Gold,
for down here Someone did my time,
and paid my dues in full
for my grand-dad Adam's crime,
and that I need not pull
that weight of sin upon my back
up penance's hard cliff.
God will now give me the slack
to know the when (not if!)
of my arrival by His side 
as He beams and laughs with pride.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is EFFORT. I'll have a try.

There are times I wonder why
I still make an effort
to touch my blue and long-lost sky,
to find the joys I used to court
of flight in the empyrean,
dancing 'tween the clouds so white,
partaking of the golden dream,
the soaring soul, the gift of flight.
My body's burning down to ash,
and looking up just hurts my heart,
but I am not prepared to trash
that world of which I was a part,
so I'll believe just for today
that my Lord will make a way.

Here's a clip from The Mission that kinda describes what I mean.

Sylvia says the only panance I need practice is for the times I was slow in getting her ice cream.