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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Faith On A Really Hard Day


Today was rough, as in I don't know how to keep going. Things are narrowing, with fewer options for coping.

And now it simply falls away,
the world that I thought I could make,
the world of love and work and play;
God, is this some big mistake?
Did You spin the roulette wheel,
putting all my chips on Red
when fate went in for the steal
to put the ball on black instead?
I trust Your love and love Your grace,
and wish I could be more like You,
but have You turned away Your face 
for want of better things to do?
I'll take this place that You've prepared,
but You should know, I'm really scared.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is REWIND.

I gots to rewind that scene
and let it play out once again,
'cause it really was so keen
and cool and, too, it had some brain
and made me think 'bout what it meant,
what the actors tried to say,
for that is the pure true intent
of a real good teleplay,
and maybe if we could do that,
rewind some real weird-ass days,
we would find we could knock flat
the walls of life's meander-maze
and make sense of the path we've trod 
on the way to finding God.

Three minutes thirty seconds. Cool.

Syl is scared, too. She doesn't like mazes. She got caught in one, a maze of chaparral and mesquite, at night. We found her by her whimpering, and the glow of her eyes in the torch's beam.


  1. Today was harder for you than me
    Yet when alone
    I cried out, with tears
    Lord I don't understand
    I know it's not my place
    So your Rodeo Clown I am
    To follow You the Rodeo Director
    And the Rules
    I trust You know Best

    I Accept what human understanding cannot

    I Love you please please be near and handle what I cannot

  2. "I trust Your love and love Your grace and wish I could be more like You." A beautiful prayer, Andrew! May the Lord continue to strengthen, and encourage you and Barb, and give you both grace in this season.

    1. Lisa, thank you, and I am delighted that this spoke to you!

      Yesterday was really physically appalling, but God was here.

  3. Sorry, it's so hard, Andrew. Praying that you know God's love and strength today.

    1. Lesley, thank you so much ...and God's presence does shine through the pain.

  4. Praying for the Lord to comfort and strengthen you, Andrew, and reveal Himself to you and Barb in a very special way.

  5. Praying for you, Andrew, for God's presence, peace, strength. FMF friend, Mitzy

  6. Two amazingly profound and beautiful poems. I don't know how you can feel that way and still write so amazingly! Praying for you both in this tough maze!
