He hired Georges Braque to do the covers, but Braque was late on delivery, and thus...
The Cubist Missal Crisis.
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Three friends graduated from the seminary, and became Father Murphy, Father Owele, and Father Secola.
Years passed, and there were promotions. Monsignor Murphy, Monsignor Owele...but it was still Father Secola.
The hoops to the bishopric were passed, and wearing the red were Cardinal Murphy, Cardinal Owele...and...but it was still Father Secola.
Father Secola asked for an audience with the Holy Father, and it was granted.
"Eminence, my record is exemplary, I have served in every capacity ordained by the church...and I am still passed by."
The Vicar of Christ pursed his lips, sighed, and said, "I am so sorry, my son. It is an injustice, but please see that the Mother Church simply can't chance being led by Pope Secola."
Syl is always up for a bully laugh. And yes, I'm Catholic.