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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Social Metastases (Tell His Story)

 Been thinking about metastatic cancer. I have a couple, one that lately fractured a femur, and another in my humerus on the same (left) side, which strikes me as funny. Geddit?

But what about social metastases?

Here's one. 

In the 1960s, the United States Supreme Court effectively redefined the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to remove religious influence from public schools. That's the cancer.

Today, rather than being taught basic skills, elementary school kids are being invited to explore their own pronouns, which they likely can't even spell. That's the metastasis.

This isn't intended as a blanket condemnation of teachers, but rather of the administrative environment in which they're compelled to work...and, yes please pay attention to school board elections!

Can you think of other examples?

Sylvia likes being a 'she'. Thinks it makes her scarier.

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Thursday, October 10, 2024


 There are those who might well think
that cancer's a hard fall,
but my life did not just sink
in wind and wave that ruined all.
Yes, it's very hard to breathe 
and harder still to walk,
but I have blessings to receive,
and so I dare not talk
in front of those who stand today
in ruins of a well-loved life,
who saw possessions swept away
with children, husband, wife,
and I'll respect their misery
with no words 'bout poor, poor me.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FLEE.

I really don't know how t'would be,
to pack my lifetime in a truck,
and join the passing throng to flee,
trusting to both God and luck
that there might still be something left
when at last we're bade return 
to that stolid warp and weft 
of what we'd worked so hard to earn.
Is it worth the the sunny days
and the balmy tropic nights
beneath which the soft ocean lays
awash in coruscating lights,
hinting not of cold blank fury
when they become both judge and jury?

Sylvia says that was spoken like a true Pittie, except that she hates getting wet and WILL complain.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Politics Of Disaster (Tell His Story)

 Another storm due to arrive
on the Gulf Coast's sandy shore,
s chance to keep folks there alive,
but some like politicking more.
Disaster's now a photo-op
and sound bite for a TV ad, and all of that's not gonna stop
'till we realize we've been had
by people who pretend to care 
'bout apple pie, kids, Mom and Dad,
but only are really aware
of the polls that hold the keys
that keep constituents on their knees.

Sylvia doesn't like politicians, and she saw the last group of canvassers off in her own inimitable style.

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Ake Ake Kia Kaha (For Ever, And Be Strong)

 Spent much of last night screaming in pain, from the leg metastases. Can't really walk now.

Barb prayed me to a place of rest, and peace.

When earthly hope is failing
as the devil sings his song,
and in the night you're wailing,
and still the night goes on,
remember to hold as you can
to that tiny dancing spark,
the heartbeat of the Son of Man
beating with you in the dark,
and make the effort to recall
through all the pain and tears
that for you He faced it all,
and He knows your fears,
and that you'll never be alone 
until He comes to take you home.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TWO.

I guess you might expect two sonnets
this week, for the price of one,
so I am right here and on it,
so let us go and have some fun
with words like Frogularity
(which term, yes, I did invent)
to bring a certain kind of clarity
to my weird writing intent,
and while the word has not caught on
beyond my dedicated circle,
its potential is yet far from gone
(though it's moving like a turtle)
 to bring me fame, riches, renown,
and make me king of my small town.

Three minutes of total nonsense, but I had fun.

Music for Barb, from the Dropkick Murphys, with Forever 

Sylvia thinks I need more calcium, via ice cream, so the bones don't fracture. She'll even share hers.

Wait, that's not Sylvia! These are the Chihuahuas' stuffed animal friends. Every afternoon they swipe the TV and VCR remotes, and hide them with Monkey (wearing my sunglasses), Frog (under my cap), and Kitty Cat (with my gloves). Ladron taught them the game; they expanded on it.

With Sylvia's help.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Shelter From The Storm (Tell His Story)

 For those imperiled by the storm
that came from distant seas,
let not anguish be their norm,
let them find God's peace
coming from across this land,
from an unknown neighbour's care
to extend a helping hand
across the distant air.
Give as only you can give,
give from what you need yourself.
Do not let the Christ's face live 
in a frame upon a shelf,
but in your eyes let others see
His love as it is meant to be.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Not Going Gentle



It's been a really hard week, and I can only express it through analogy.

From the King I took my shilling,
and I am on my Oerlikon.
I'm in the fight and I am willing,
and the Carley floats are gone
as water laps across the deck;
right bugger has this night become 
on this listing burning wreck,
but load another drum
and engage with gritted teeth
the savage enemy,
wondering what might lie beneath
the waves that roil once-peaceful sea.
If needs must I will sell life dear,
but someone GET ME OUT OF HERE!

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is ADVANTAGE.

They say it's advantageous
to claim an attitude 
that marks one as courageous,
but I think it's just rude
to beat the drum, one's own behalf,
a real one-man parade.
It kinda sorta makes me laugh,
'cause that ain't how life is made.
Climb high above humility,
thinking you have it all,
and soon you'll fall from Eden's tree
and God will break your fall
with the cushion of His hand,
and some stern words of reprimand.

Just over four minutes.

And, by the way, Peanut's celebrity grows, courtesy Woman's World

If you go to the article, you also get to see a current picture of me. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sylvia would get me out of this, if she but could.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Celebrity (Tell His Story)

 Almost went to meet Jesus today, but He rescheduled. Feeling pretty rough, so over to Peanut, courtesy of an article in Women's World.

And you even get to see a picture of Belle, and me.

Sylvia is too cool for mass media 

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