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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Papist Funnies (Tell His Story)

 So, in the mid-fifties, Pope Pius XII decided that mass books needed an upgrade.

He hired Georges Braque to do the covers, but Braque was late on delivery, and thus...

The Cubist Missal Crisis.

Want more? No?

Three friends graduated from the seminary, and became Father Murphy, Father Owele, and Father Secola.

Years passed, and there were promotions. Monsignor Murphy, Monsignor Owele...but it was still Father Secola.

The hoops to the bishopric were passed, and wearing the red were Cardinal Murphy, Cardinal Owele...and...but it was still Father Secola.

Father Secola asked for an audience with the Holy Father, and it was granted.

"Eminence, my record is exemplary, I have served in every capacity ordained by the church...and I am still passed by."

The Vicar of Christ pursed his lips, sighed, and said, "I am so sorry, my son. It is an injustice, but please see that the Mother Church simply can't chance being led by Pope Secola."

Syl is always up for a bully laugh. And yes, I'm Catholic.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Peanut vs Angels...Guess Who Won?

It's been a rough couple of weeks, and God sent His angels to take me home.

Didn't quite work out the way He planned, I think.

Jesus is my Saviour,
but Peanut is my dog;
I need not this belabour,
and I admit no fog
in knowing what my heart must see
when Peanut chased angels away
on what had then been deemed to be
my glory, and my dying day,
for Peanut rose up with a roar,
my canine Galahad.
Great Danes ain't easy to ignore:
"Hands off, dude, that's My dad!"
And so I guess I'm gonna stay,
for Peanut really wants to play.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is ENGAGEMENT.

It might not always go well
engaging angels in a fight,
but who can know and who can tell
when it's wrong or right?
Jacob got another name
with his demanded blessing,
but his hip was not the same
after he'd been messing
with this strong and glowing being
through the night 'till dawn.
I wonder how angel was feeling,
and if he could go on
grappling with this stubborn guy
underneath the morning sky?

Didn't know I was going there, but here I am.

Sylvia will give her place to her litte brother for this week. And she'll even share some ice cream.

Yes, Peanut, like Barb, prefers Pepsi.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Forgiving God (Tell His Story)


How can I forgive You, God,
for the awful things I feel and see?
Is Your plan so badly flawed,
or does the problem lie with me,
that I don't understand the cost
You pay in grieving tears each day
for Paradise that Adam lost,
and for a world that's lost its way?
Do You have to stand aside
to let us daily make a choice
that we may, or maybe not, abide
in the hearing of Your voice
like sheep upon a grassy hill,
questioning their Shepherd's will?

Sylvia just hopes God's will always includes ice cream.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Ugly

My New Year's Resolution was to be honest, and sometimes honest is ugly.

There is now nowhere to turn
where I might hide safe and escape
the fevers that do daily burn
the days that I have left, and shape 
me into something I detest,
a whining hypochondriac fool
who takes up worst to shame the best,
and ransoms hope for ridicule.
Lord, please set me on my feet
once more that I may yet remain 
something that is still complete,
and someone who can bear the pain
as I once did, and bear it still 
in honour of Your holy will.

When I say that I am beat,
when I whine "This isn't fair!"
that's the thing that sets my feet
on the journey to despair.
When I dwell on what I've lost,
all the cool stuff I can't do,
it's thinking that bears a cost
that will poison and run through 
the life that yet to me remains,
toss the blessings to the floor,
make naught of the small gains,
and quite firmly shut the door 
in God's disappointed face
when He comes to offer grace.

Syl's worried. I'm not the Dad she knew.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

You've Gotta Stop Somewhere (Tell His Story)

 The common expression, you've got to start somewhere, has a corollary.

You've got to stop somewhere.

Every earthly journey 
has got to have an end,
until you reach Eternity 
and walk on with your Friend 
through forests of Forever
down streets of beaten gold
where you know you'll never
bow to heat or cold,
so let the things you cherish
here on God's good Earth 
fall away and perish,
for they'll receive rebirth
like the tears God saved for you
to anoint what's fresh and new.

Fresh-churned ice cream. Woof!


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Risen Every Day

 Barb recently said she wished the cancer would go away.

Yes, but there are blessings in the situation, some unseen, and I would not want the good things to go away.

It's hard, both physically, and walking the tightrope over the pit of despair, but...

I raise my eyes unto the hills
whence myriad blessings flow.
All of this is as God wills,
and by His will I go
down these roads of blood and pain,
dread sessions in the dunny
(where for hours I remain...
OK, that's kind of funny),
but through it all He lifts me up
and holds me to His golden heart,
gives blood-wine communion cup,
and with this He makes me part
of the timeless victory 
He won for me at Calvary.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is PURSUE.

Auto-spell tried to convince me it was PURDUE...

I did not pursue admittance 
to the college of Purdue,
and the regents said Good Riddance
and they thought that they were through 
with that threat that I presented 
to their staid and quiet life,
but then the hand of God was entered,
and I got an Indiana wife,
and therefore I was forced to choose
a place of higher education 
where I could become the news,
a pub-wrecking thuggish sensation,
but the faculty could take their ease
when I blew my SATs.

Yeah, well, five minutes, what are you gonna do?

Ice cream, says Syl. Don't forget the ice cream.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

We All Make Misteaks (Tell His Story)

 This was written last week, when I thought I had messed up the Inlinkz timing.

But, you know, I was only wrong once in my life, when I thought I had made a mistake, and it turned out I hadn't.

God sure does not make mistakes,
but you can bet I do,
but hey, there, baby, that's the breaks,
and would you believe I blew
the linkup time for Tell His Story
(last week's link is still alive).
and thus I am not wreathed in glory,
but be sure I will arrive
with a Tell His Story link
early upon Wednesday's morn
when the sky is fading pink
and a new day will be born
upon which you can link to great
folk you find here, one day late.

Sylvia, don't roll your eyes like that. They'll get stuck.