Monday, October 16, 2017

Your Dying Spouse 384 - Readings For Caregivers {#write31days}

Sometimes caregiving will leave you too tired to sleep, but needing to stay awake anyway, to keep watch over your patient...or just to be there.

You might not be able to watch a DVD out of the need for you read.

And what 'should' a caregiver be reading?

Well, there are no shoulds except for one...don't red books that are downers. You've got enough on your plate/ If someone suggests a great book, "Depressing but masterfully written!", you should politely decline. This is not the time.

It seems to me that there are four basic categories of reading for the caregiver:

What do you think? Are there other categories or specific books you'd recommend?

Having mentioned the book, Beyond The Blue Horizon, how about the song, as out musical theme?

My #write31days posts so far are:

October 2 - Talk To A Caregiver
October 3 -  Create A Caregiver Haven

Write 31 Days prompts - 2017

I do ask that you be patient with my slow replies to your comments (which we treasure). I'm trying to stay caught up.

Still hoping to get the new and improved version of Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart up and running in the near future. Just haven't had the energy to do it yet...but if you would like to read it, please say so in your comment and I'd be glad to send you a PDF (which should fit your Kindle).

I have another blog, "Starting The Day With Grace". The focus is a grace quote from someone you might not expect (like, say Mick Jagger) and a short commentary. I hope you'll join me.

Marley update... been moved to a sanctuary, and Bay County will revise their 'dangerous dog' codes.


And marley has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Some of my fave books. Continually thinking of you and Barb!

    1. Tara, thanks so much! It's all I can do to get a daily post...I can't get around the #write31days group, and I feel bad about that. Too much tired, too much pain.

      Prayers truly appreciated.

  2. Andrew, these are great suggestions. I don't have specific books, but maybe types of books could include books that offer hope in the midst of hard seasons, and maybe those books (similar to your fourth category) that offer escape for a little while. For me, that includes well-written fiction.

    Continuing to pray for you and Barb, my friend.

  3. Thanks for sharing that music. It's not just caregivers who need that today.
