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Thursday, August 1, 2024

How To Save A Life


Peanut the Great Dane puppy came from the Albuquerque Westside Shelter)where he had been for five months) on a Saturday. On Sunday, he saved my life, by clearing my airway when I fel
l, and was undergoing positional asphyxia; in short, my neck was bent at an angle in which I could not breathe, and having hit my head on a brick, I could not move to save myself.

So Peanut saved me.

You can read more about it in Newsweek.

But don't worry. Fame hasn't gone to his head.

Yes, I saved your life, my friend,
perhaps 'twas just in time,
but I did not then comprehend 
that soon you would save mine.
A fall and twisting of the head,
I saw the world around me darken,
and thought that I might well be dead
but did not see you hearken 
to the crisis at your feet,
a thing for which you'd not prepared,
but a thing you rose to meet
(please tell me, were you scared?),
for you'd not see me go quite yet,
the new Dad that you had just met.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TOLERATE.

There's something I can't tolerate,
and these are Brussels sprouts,
the one food that I truly hate,
and I am on the outs
with those to whom it's mighty good,
in their view delicacy.
To me their palate's made of wood,
or they are just plumb crazy.
Maybe eating bugs when young,
maybe drinking something worse 
that cauterized taste buds of tongue
and left them with the curse
of enjoying something any sane
diner would put down the drain.

Four minutes, and yuck!, just thinking about it!

Music from Lindsey Buckingham, with Holiday Road.

Sylvia is glad Peanut's here. But she's not sharing her ice cream.


  1. Lol, good one! I don't like those nasty things either.
    So cool about your puppy saving your life, what an amazing story!
    God bless.

    1. Rishie, thank you so much! I read your comment to Peanut. He's thumping his tail.

  2. A cabbage lover I Am
    So large or small
    Fermented or not
    I be a bit crazy to some
    Yet my health likes
    So hold ypur nose
    The smell good spray is out
    The microwave cleaned
    I'll go outside or to my room
    Eatin' my HAPPY MEAL.
    - Guess Who🥴 yep Barbara

  3. Wow, that's amazing from Peanut! You must be meant for each other. We've just got a puppy - our first since I was a teenager. So much to learn for all of us. She has changed our life in weeks. Nothing dramatic but all the extra walking is definitely good for our health>
    I'm at #7 on FMF this week

    1. Liz, the interesting thing about Peanut is his mixture of maturity and puppyhood. He's always on duty, watching me, but that doesn't preclude his getting his growing teeth around anything that takes his fancy.

  4. My mother boiled squash, cabbage, greens, spinach, etc. The problem is overcooking certain veggies makes them bitter. A raw yellow squash has a sweet mild taste, perfect for toddlers. Saute, al dente just enough to bring out the flavor with a few herbs makes most veggies tolerable. But I still don't like brussel sprouts or kale.

    1. Rhonda, excellent point about the need to cook vegetables correctly. Thanks for this!

  5. Please tell Peanut that he is a Good Dog, and deserves at least a little ice cream of his very own.

    1. Lucien, message (and ice cream) delivered!

  6. What an amazing story. Heaven sent Peanut.
