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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Autosave Saved Me From Me

Funny thing about autosave in Blogger. It just goes.

I had another post written, and accidentally deleted the entire text. Before I could undo the action, autosave kicked in.

So you don't get to hear what I had to say about the Olympic opening ceremony.

Consider yourself blessed.

I had a post to offer here,
'bout Gay Paree and other things,
but something happened, oh so queer,
and the words all spread their wings
and took of to a netherworld 
enforced by autosave.
Into the abyss they hurled
themselves and thereby gave
me a chance to change my road,
and write what you read now.
Though the lost post really flowed,
my hands are on the plow
to move ahead, with patient grace,
and not blow Android to outer space.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SCENE.

Well, you'll get my take on the Olympic opening anyway. Lucky you.

A bunch of drag queens set the scene,
a mocking of da Vinci,
and it was really pretty mean
along with being wince-y,
'cause each fell off the ugly tree
and hit each branch a-comin' down,
leaving plain ol' folks like me
to regard this with a frown,
because respect is thus demanded 
by the venue and the setting,
but my approval is remanded
by Bible and internal vetting
that says scoffers are truly lost
and one day will pay the cost.

Three minutes flat. I don't mind men dressing as women, though I can't see the point. I do have a problem with passive aggressive bullying (if you say nothing, you're weak, and if you push back you're a hater).

Without apology, here's an appropriate (or not!) scene from Crocodile Dundee 

Sylvia likes this post better.


  1. Tis a frustration when
    Profound statements find the
    Cyber netherworld
    Sometimes for the better
    For when the wording is puurrfect placed
    Someones bout to
    Misplace intent
    Tis ashame
    When words obtain
    New meanings
    A create unsightly scenes
    Boy I really need to unsee
    That which appeared to
    the worse Paris Fashion show
    And easily ignored
    til it blow up
    With a word of tolerance or inclusion
    That have lost their true meaning
    With many scenes.

  2. Andrew, you are a riot! And so honest! What I love about your writing. You pull no bull. Neither do I, but my audience is few, it's okay, an audience of One will nicely do. Happy Anniversary!

  3. And that was Mary Hood.

  4. oh, I've heard about the olympic opening and how NOT good it was. FMF14

  5. I'm going to stand up and defend the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony controversy. Because I think it's become one of those things where people have come to conclusions based on limited information - and that may be understandably based on the editing of the camerawork of the catwalk scene.
    When I was watching the ceremony I did think 'that looks a bit like the Da Vinci painting' but then I realised the numbers of people and the positions didn't. And then a figure like Bacchus appeared. The artistic director has since explained that it was actually a depiction of a Bacchanalian feast.
    But even if this had been a parody of the Last Supper, I wonder why we are so upset about a painting? After all, versions or parodies of it have been around for years. From Warhol to The Simpsons, with everything from dogs to My Little Pony in between. I think we have to ask why we have assumed people were being offensive with this one? And whether this is the kind of thing that would actually offend Jesus or whether there are more important things for us to get up in arms about as Christians
    I realise these views may be controversial and it's not my wish to upset people. But it would be good to have a calm nuanced conversation. And I know myself I sometimes have to challenge my first assumptions, specially when I don't have the full context. Especially in these times where false information and social media frenzies can cause so many problems.

    1. Thank you for this comment, Liz. It really convicted me because I too am very quick to jump to conclusions even when I don’t have all the facts. I hadn’t even watched the opening ceremony and yet was very quick to condemn something that wasn’t even what so many irated people were claiming it was and spread the venom. May the Lord forgive me for my part in that.

  6. I love your point about the opening ceremony, so humourously made! Whatever that was, it wasn't tasteful or appropriate. But I watch the Olympics for the athletes that have worked so hard to hone their talent for their chance at gold, not for the nonsense and excess that surrounds the whole thing. At any rate, thanks for making us laugh and making us think, and for sharing your poetic talent with us!
