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Love and marriage are the greatest adventures in life, and they point they way to our relationship with the Almighty.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Your Biggest Fan (Tell His Story)

 Just how will you tell His Story,
the greatest story ever told?
Will your words cloak Him in glory,
and will joyous praise be bold,
or will you speak of bitter days,
the worst times you have been through 
when you and faith had parted ways,
but how He parted not from you?
Either point of view is valid,
either shines with His love's light.
Just as many fruits make salad,
He has many ways to fight
for you the sinful fallen man,
because the Christ's your biggest fan.

And Sylvia just KNOWS that He likes ice cream!

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  1. "but how He parted not from you?" Thank you, Jesus!

  2. Giving praise that He never departs from us. He seeks, saves, comforts, and responds. When we draw near to Him, He always draws near to us in response.
