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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Stone In The Path

 On the morning after Beau's passing.

Only thirteen days, and a Great Dane can really grab hold of your heart, even as his is failing.

Barb says she feels like she's lost her security blanket.

It was heartbreaking, but knowing Beau was worth it.

I'm sorry to have been negligent in visiting your blogs, and replying to your comments. I'm on oxygen most of the time, and still have an O2 saturation averaging 85%. It does leave one tired, and makes coherent writing almost impossible.

Don't know what's causing it. Don't much care. Life goes on.

Life goes on and on and on,
times of plenty, times of lack,
and you sometimes don't know what's gone
because in trying to look back
you dash your foot against a stone 
that the Lord's placed in your way
that you might rethink, atone 
for not seeing the new day 
that God has set up just for you
just past the horizon's curve,
saying that what you must do
is reach out with joy, reach out with verve,
and leave the past to fade to air,
then turn to gold in His heart's care.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SOME.

I used to be some kind of lucky,
dancing 'tween the raindrops' fall
and then my life got kinda sucky 
and I didn't feel the luck at all 
and looked at life with fatalism,
thinking I was born to lose,
not seeing that there was a schism 
and that it was mine to choose.
Not my fate, for that's beyond
control of any mortal man,
but rather, how I would respond
to that bright mysterious plan
that led me through my gain and loss
to sit at the foot of the cross.

Three minutes plus.


  1. Praying for both you and Barb this morning. Of course, for different reasons but it seems you both could use some extra prayers :) Praying for the Lord to fill your lungs with some oxygen and strengthen you.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, and for all the suffering you are enduring at the moment. Praying that you and Barb know God's comforting presence with you.

  3. So sorry for your loss, praying for peace in your hearts as you both grieve and praying for strength and oxygen for you.

  4. Praying for you. Don't worry about commenting on our pages. It's just good to know there is another writer in the universe. Blessings! (FMF#2)

  5. dancing 'tween the raindrops' sounds of life, beatiful line and says a lot.

  6. Your poems are so full of truth, always! Thank you for sharing your heart, Andrew. I'm so sorry for the loss of Beau but thankful you had even a short time with him. He needed you and Barb as much as you needed him. Thankful God knows all our needs and we do need to look to Him thankful for each new day and the prospects they bring. Blessings to you and Barb!

  7. sorry abou the loss of your Beau. Tell Barb that as well. Losing a much beloved pet is difficult. I figured your health was the reason for the lack of blog contact. it's all good eh? FMF14
