Thursday, May 30, 2024

Blonde Moments


Have the feeling that the whole country is going through an extended Blonde Moment?

And...yes, Real Men Do Colour Their Hair, and I will say no more.

In the Country of the Blonde
the Brunette gal is queen,
for her wisdom goes beyond 
what anyone has seen.
Her raven hair is colorfast,
and she has The Look.
They say, sometime in ages past,
she may have read a book!
The Blondes drive their convertibles,
their Brunette Queen holds court,
and in this the Blonde Joy is full,
for they know who holds the fort:
yes, perhaps Blondes have more fun,
but the Brunette gets it done.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is THROUGH.

I am through with being blonde,
an object of brunette derision!
It is time to go beyond 
this fate, so here is my decision.
I'll go to the cosmetics aisle,
and peruse the darker shades
'till I find one that brings a smile,
and then these way cool chemists' aids
will change my life, just wait and see,
for all around me will assume 
that there might be far more to me 
than the dumb blonde in the room.
All that can make this plan go south 
is needing to open my mouth.

Sylvia asks, 'So which am I?'



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Health And Wealth (Tell His Story)

 Your faith is weak if you are poor,
because the Lord intends you wealth;
if you believe, you won't endure 
life's challenges against your health,
but maybe you do not want healing,
nor Heaven's prosperity.
Maybe it's a real good feeling 
to get lots of sympathy,
and maybe you don't want to work,
and just get handouts from the state.
Maybe you're a lazy jerk,
and in that you do not rate
the blessings that God would bestow,
so from our presence, kindly go.

Sylvia has no words. But then, she is a dog.

Speaking of dogs, meet Peanut, who saved my life, via Newsweek

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

That Awkward Question

From time to time, the question...

Some have asked, 'Hey, what's the deal?
It does seem like a mystery.
Is your dying quite for real,
or are you seeking sympathy,
with GoFundMe in your name,
seeking help from all you reach
to capitalize on your fame
and retire on a tropic beach?'
That's really kinda hard to hear,
but yeah, it's been a long, lone time,
and it's not so very clear,
but I'm not asking for a dime.
It's something I can do without,
but I understand your doubt.

There's no GoFundMe, and I've outlived my doctor. Maybe the alcohol I use to reduce the pain enough to eat has acted as a preservative; beyond that, I have no idea why I've lasted this long.

Am I a hypochondriac, making Himalayas out of pebbles? Perhaps, but Barb has seen me ignore broken bones, third-degree burns (clumsy with the welding torch), and an impalement, and would disagree strongly.

I have no answers, and the pain of days and nights are something to dread. But I'm glad I ain't dead yet.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is NOTHING. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and that's a good start.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained,
and thus one day it came to pass
an overreach, and so I sprained
my tightly chic and stylish a**,
and everybody laughed at me,
formed judgmental sentences.
'You shouldn't leap from a tall tree
and not expect some consequences!'
But there the tree, and there was I,
having heard that lovely song,
and I believed that I could fly,
but baby, was I ever wrong,
and the worst and final cut
was friends who signed my bandaged butt.

Just under four minutes. I had no idea where I was going with this.

Still don't.

Music from Jimmy Buffett, with Margaritaville 

Sylvia wonders if there's tequila-and-lime flavoured ice cream.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Establishment Clause (Tell His Story)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

Thus, the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

And a darn good thing. In Jolly Olde, the Monarch is the head of the state church, the Church of England.

How would you like, say, Joe Biden as our Defender of the Faith.

Sorry. I'll wait 'till you finish puking.

So we're supposed to have no officially flavoured religion, and no interference in the faith we practice.

That last bit isn't working out too well these days.

It may not be what you thought,
it may cause some consternation,
but the Founding Fathers felt we ought
not to be a Christian nation.
Our underpinnings are, yes, based
on Judeo-Christian firmament,
but they would not have us faced
with a state-run faith establishment,
and so it clearly was laid out
that all belief must be protected,
and we therefore have no call to pout
that some are raised and some neglected...
at least, that's how it's s'posed to be,
but often it's not what I see.

Sylvia knows there's a God, and that God knows there's a Sylvia. That's enough for her.

  In the absence of music (Blogger won't let me link a video on my phone), here are a couple of things pictures of Sylvia, my blog's public face, on an ice-cream run.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Enviable Me

 Some days I'll have beer for breakfast,
other days it's rum.
Either way, I pass the test
of making my life fun.
I'll watch a profound movie,
'specially if it is Shrek,
and I am feeling groovy 
although my life's a wreck.
I thank all of my lucky stars,
and count God's blessings, too,
while I hang out at biker bars
(always something to do!),
and enjoy sweet victory 
that everybody envies me.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FINALLY.

Finally got me to the point 
I shoulda been at all along
(no, I didn't smoke a joint,
but the wine I drank was pretty strong)
where I realized the past is done,
and all the zombies can go home.
Now it's time for having fun,
letting my laugh free to roam
across the days and 'cross the miles
of the future that's so bright 
that it will reflect my smiles
and I will need my shades at night 
for I have found the way ahead
by letting dead bury their dead.

Three minutes flat, but I am not entirely sure exactly what I said.

Music from The New Vaudeville Band, with Winchester Cathedral

Sylvia doesn't envy me. She thinks I want to be more like her. She's right.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Is Your Life A Slogan? (Tell His Story)

 Someone spoke in fervent heat
defiance that would not appease,
that you should die on your feet
and not live upon your knees.
Now, this does have great appeal
to adolescents everywhere,
who think the slogan is for real
for truly, they have not been there
to pay meet homage to the King,
to put off the masque of pride
and surrender everything,
with not a penny left to hide,
for only this way can you stand
to live or die at His right hand.


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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Georgy Girl

 This is Bella. She's a ten-pound terrier that Barb found in a flooded ditch in 2013. Her back had been broken, and she'd been discarded.

Now she's the Alpha Dog, and fearlessly snaps at everyone. She can walk a few steps, but prefers to scoot, and she likes wearing sweaters.

Now, don't you feel dejected,
for you are not alone.
That which builders rejected 
has become the cornerstone.
People see with shadowed eyes
that emphasize their chosen part,
but God sees past the pride and lies
to look into the heart,
and seeing, knows the wealth that's there,
though ill-dressed in the meanest clothes
and suffering from real bad hair 
(and not smelling like a rose!),
but he will make of these delight,
for God's Spa Day is outta sight!

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SOMEDAY.

Someday's gotta be today,
for time it is a-wasting,
and I must be on my way 
to catch the dreams I'm chasing.
They can run really really fast,
and leave me out of breath,
and though I am not built to last,
I won't accept the death
of sitting down with lowered head
upon the dusty road.
I will push real hard instead,
and bear whatever load
and find that pot of rainbow gold
before another year gets old.

Three minutes thirty, with an interruption.

Music from The Seekers, with Georgy Girl

Sylvia really likes spa days, and could use seven of them every week.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ready To Hang With Jesus? (Tell His Story)


They will hate you and revile you,
curse the Gospel you hold dear
for they cannot stand Him true,
the God who is their deepest fear,
and they will try to break your heart
make you  for your faith atone.
If you refuse to play your part 
then they will gladly break each bone,
and you will let your hands be tied,
pray for them in your surrender,
for rebellion will have died 
the more often you remember
that the road to Calvary 
must be your willing destiny.

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Stone In The Path

 On the morning after Beau's passing.

Only thirteen days, and a Great Dane can really grab hold of your heart, even as his is failing.

Barb says she feels like she's lost her security blanket.

It was heartbreaking, but knowing Beau was worth it.

I'm sorry to have been negligent in visiting your blogs, and replying to your comments. I'm on oxygen most of the time, and still have an O2 saturation averaging 85%. It does leave one tired, and makes coherent writing almost impossible.

Don't know what's causing it. Don't much care. Life goes on.

Life goes on and on and on,
times of plenty, times of lack,
and you sometimes don't know what's gone
because in trying to look back
you dash your foot against a stone 
that the Lord's placed in your way
that you might rethink, atone 
for not seeing the new day 
that God has set up just for you
just past the horizon's curve,
saying that what you must do
is reach out with joy, reach out with verve,
and leave the past to fade to air,
then turn to gold in His heart's care.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SOME.

I used to be some kind of lucky,
dancing 'tween the raindrops' fall
and then my life got kinda sucky 
and I didn't feel the luck at all 
and looked at life with fatalism,
thinking I was born to lose,
not seeing that there was a schism 
and that it was mine to choose.
Not my fate, for that's beyond
control of any mortal man,
but rather, how I would respond
to that bright mysterious plan
that led me through my gain and loss
to sit at the foot of the cross.

Three minutes plus.