Thursday, May 23, 2024

That Awkward Question

From time to time, the question...

Some have asked, 'Hey, what's the deal?
It does seem like a mystery.
Is your dying quite for real,
or are you seeking sympathy,
with GoFundMe in your name,
seeking help from all you reach
to capitalize on your fame
and retire on a tropic beach?'
That's really kinda hard to hear,
but yeah, it's been a long, lone time,
and it's not so very clear,
but I'm not asking for a dime.
It's something I can do without,
but I understand your doubt.

There's no GoFundMe, and I've outlived my doctor. Maybe the alcohol I use to reduce the pain enough to eat has acted as a preservative; beyond that, I have no idea why I've lasted this long.

Am I a hypochondriac, making Himalayas out of pebbles? Perhaps, but Barb has seen me ignore broken bones, third-degree burns (clumsy with the welding torch), and an impalement, and would disagree strongly.

I have no answers, and the pain of days and nights are something to dread. But I'm glad I ain't dead yet.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is NOTHING. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and that's a good start.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained,
and thus one day it came to pass
an overreach, and so I sprained
my tightly chic and stylish a**,
and everybody laughed at me,
formed judgmental sentences.
'You shouldn't leap from a tall tree
and not expect some consequences!'
But there the tree, and there was I,
having heard that lovely song,
and I believed that I could fly,
but baby, was I ever wrong,
and the worst and final cut
was friends who signed my bandaged butt.

Just under four minutes. I had no idea where I was going with this.

Still don't.

Music from Jimmy Buffett, with Margaritaville 

Sylvia wonders if there's tequila-and-lime flavoured ice cream.



  1. I would wager if I wasa gambler
    That few could endure with as much Grace and cheer
    That which Andrew has
    Without medical aid for fourteen
    Long years
    Yet his wisdom provide by The God Most High
    And Savior who suffered for Us
    Has been our constant
    Dispite trials that have No Answers
    - You Guessed it, Barbara

    1. I saw a poem and thought, "Someone has the same sense of humor as Andrew!" And no, I didn't guess it until I saw the end :) You both are too funny and I am so grateful our God has been with you both and has been your constant!

  2. My husband jumped from a tree and broken his right leg and left ankle. He is walking now, five surgeries later. He forgot he was in his sixties and not in his twenties.

  3. Leave it to our younger self to take charge before we think.
    - Yep Me again. Barbara
