Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Health And Wealth (Tell His Story)

 Your faith is weak if you are poor,
because the Lord intends you wealth;
if you believe, you won't endure 
life's challenges against your health,
but maybe you do not want healing,
nor Heaven's prosperity.
Maybe it's a real good feeling 
to get lots of sympathy,
and maybe you don't want to work,
and just get handouts from the state.
Maybe you're a lazy jerk,
and in that you do not rate
the blessings that God would bestow,
so from our presence, kindly go.

Sylvia has no words. But then, she is a dog.

Speaking of dogs, meet Peanut, who saved my life, via Newsweek

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  1. Well I'm just so excited to see your recent adventure published in Newsweek! All your fans will be thrilled to see your name in lights. I'll be sharing.

    P.S. - My sister just asked about you the other day. She loves reading your poems.

  2. Hooray for Peanut! I love BIG dogs!

  3. Great article, Andrew! "A faithful companion is gained, a friendship is formed, and a life is saved," marketing manager Desiree Cawley told Newsweek. "In this circumstance, they both saved each other."

  4. You're on PORCH
