Thursday, May 30, 2024

Blonde Moments


Have the feeling that the whole country is going through an extended Blonde Moment?

And...yes, Real Men Do Colour Their Hair, and I will say no more.

In the Country of the Blonde
the Brunette gal is queen,
for her wisdom goes beyond 
what anyone has seen.
Her raven hair is colorfast,
and she has The Look.
They say, sometime in ages past,
she may have read a book!
The Blondes drive their convertibles,
their Brunette Queen holds court,
and in this the Blonde Joy is full,
for they know who holds the fort:
yes, perhaps Blondes have more fun,
but the Brunette gets it done.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is THROUGH.

I am through with being blonde,
an object of brunette derision!
It is time to go beyond 
this fate, so here is my decision.
I'll go to the cosmetics aisle,
and peruse the darker shades
'till I find one that brings a smile,
and then these way cool chemists' aids
will change my life, just wait and see,
for all around me will assume 
that there might be far more to me 
than the dumb blonde in the room.
All that can make this plan go south 
is needing to open my mouth.

Sylvia asks, 'So which am I?'




  1. Andrew, your humor is most appreciated. But I will say, no matter what color your hair may be, I highly doubt you are dumb! I will also say, as a brunette, I have done plenty of dumb things in my life, and there will probably be more to come :) So grateful that through it all, our God's grace covers them all!

  2. I agree with the previous comment, Andrew. :) I am also brunette (or was brunette, now I'm mostly white!). Your humor is fun, and thank God indeed for His Grace. Your FMF #5, Mitzy

  3. the two poems combined is excellent. :) good job man.

  4. I just read the comment you wrote in response to Kate's post and it makes me sad that you feel that way about yourself. Your words are very worthwhile, and you do make a difference--a huge difference. FMF would not be the same without you.

  5. From one blond to another, I simply put on my glasses to change my look. I'm so glad the ablility to speak one's mind is not in hair color. Humor is for the soul and helps us to laugh at ourselves.

  6. And looking at the bemused doggy on the step, one can be all shades of gorgeous and still have a good hair day!
