Thursday, May 16, 2024

Enviable Me

 Some days I'll have beer for breakfast,
other days it's rum.
Either way, I pass the test
of making my life fun.
I'll watch a profound movie,
'specially if it is Shrek,
and I am feeling groovy 
although my life's a wreck.
I thank all of my lucky stars,
and count God's blessings, too,
while I hang out at biker bars
(always something to do!),
and enjoy sweet victory 
that everybody envies me.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FINALLY.

Finally got me to the point 
I shoulda been at all along
(no, I didn't smoke a joint,
but the wine I drank was pretty strong)
where I realized the past is done,
and all the zombies can go home.
Now it's time for having fun,
letting my laugh free to roam
across the days and 'cross the miles
of the future that's so bright 
that it will reflect my smiles
and I will need my shades at night 
for I have found the way ahead
by letting dead bury their dead.

Three minutes flat, but I am not entirely sure exactly what I said.

Music from The New Vaudeville Band, with Winchester Cathedral

Sylvia doesn't envy me. She thinks I want to be more like her. She's right.


  1. Oh my goodness, I haven't heard that song in like forever.

    1. Glad to reintroduce you to Winchester, Cathedral, Grams!

  2. fun post, had me smiling

  3. "Finally got me to the point
    I shoulda been at all along" Wow, yes, you said a lot! Two fun, yet profound poems. And poetry can be both!! Prayers continue for you, Barbara, and dogs, one a and all! Mary Hood here.

  4. Loved these poems - both humorous but thoughtful too. I kind of expected the song to be Cory Hart's Sunglasses at Night ;-)

  5. Great poems as always. Fun.
