Thursday, May 9, 2024

Georgy Girl

 This is Bella. She's a ten-pound terrier that Barb found in a flooded ditch in 2013. Her back had been broken, and she'd been discarded.

Now she's the Alpha Dog, and fearlessly snaps at everyone. She can walk a few steps, but prefers to scoot, and she likes wearing sweaters.

Now, don't you feel dejected,
for you are not alone.
That which builders rejected 
has become the cornerstone.
People see with shadowed eyes
that emphasize their chosen part,
but God sees past the pride and lies
to look into the heart,
and seeing, knows the wealth that's there,
though ill-dressed in the meanest clothes
and suffering from real bad hair 
(and not smelling like a rose!),
but he will make of these delight,
for God's Spa Day is outta sight!

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SOMEDAY.

Someday's gotta be today,
for time it is a-wasting,
and I must be on my way 
to catch the dreams I'm chasing.
They can run really really fast,
and leave me out of breath,
and though I am not built to last,
I won't accept the death
of sitting down with lowered head
upon the dusty road.
I will push real hard instead,
and bear whatever load
and find that pot of rainbow gold
before another year gets old.

Three minutes thirty, with an interruption.

Music from The Seekers, with Georgy Girl

Sylvia really likes spa days, and could use seven of them every week.



  1. By rature or death, God's spa day is the best.

  2. God's Spa Day sounds wonderful! I love it. Keep on keepin on until someday comes.


  3. Wonderful Truth! "Now, don't you feel dejected, for you are not alone. That which builders rejected has become the cornerstone."

  4. God's spa day is outta sight---yeah!

  5. Love "People see with shadowed eyes
    that emphasize their chosen part,
    but God sees past the pride and lies
    to look into the heart,"
