Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Taxing Times (Tell His Story)

 Render unto Caesar 
that which belongs to him
even when your empty freezer 
is looking pretty grim,
even when you don't agree
with your taxes' ute'lization,
'cause you've a mansion they can't see
as your final destination.
So simmer down effrontery,
go ahead and dial it back
even if the country 
is down the wrongest track,
and lift your heart and soul and eyes 
to His love, the greatest prize.

Music from the Bellamy Brothers, with Jesus Is Coming

Sylvia thinks all tax revenue should be spent on ice cream.

For her.

But she'll share.

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  1. I'm glad Sylvia would be willing to share her ice cream. Fortunately for her, I'm not much into ice cream. :) I sign off and pay my taxes today. Sigh.

  2. It’s inevitable—and painful…

  3. Reminders that this world is not our final home are always needed! I tend to get caught up in the right now, with all its stresses and emotions, and forget that God has an amazing resting place for me. Thank you for this poem, Andrew! I'm praying for you and Barb!

  4. We had my first ice cream of the 'summer' season last night. Too bad Sylvia doesn't live a bit closer ... we could have picked her up and taken her with us. But you can be sure that there's no way Tim would have let her chow down in the front seat of the car.

  5. When we lift our eyes to Him, everything comes into proper perspective, Andrew. Praying His peace will continue to guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
