Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Tears Of Captain America

I'm on oxygen now

So, it seems is my poor, belaboured country, the last Gulliver, set upon by Lilliputians.

If everything is possible
then nothing can be true,
then Styx is therefore crossable
for liberty is through.
If every fancy truly matters
and virtue is just taste,
then our Constitution's tatters,
and it was all a foolish waste,
the courage and the discipline
attending that which we held dear,
so pass the nitroglycerin
and run it into Lincoln's ear
to get behind each Rushmore face
and blow the thing to outer space.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is COMPLICATE. I'll keep it simple.

Republicans and Democrats
and Independents too
are haughty proud elitist cats,
nothing like me and you.
Term limits might have done the trick
way back in the day,
but those in power now will pick
a Xeroxed protegé.
The Founding Fathers roll their eyes,
and pour another gin,
for it is no surprise,
the trap that we are in,
accepting betters' simple tales
gifting us with complicated fails.

Five minutes, just. The last couplet was hard.

Music from Aaron Lewis, with Am I The Only One?

Sylvia is there, too. In almost any other country, she, an ailing Pit Bull, would have been left to die.

Not here.


  1. Can't say I understand your countries politics, but I do pray for you!

    1. Fiona, I don't understand our politics either, and that may be mercy.

      We do need your prayers.

  2. Andrew, I don't understand our politics any longer either. I am reminding myself more often these days that our God is sovereign over every country and every leader. He is working out His plan and purposes as He wills. And in this truth, I find peace. Praying for you and Barbara this morning.

    1. Joanne, that's so well said, describing God's sovereignty! Thank you!

  3. God is waking us up from our apathy. He gave us a country to thrive and freely worship him. We played through the 60's, ignore the 70's, 80 and 90's gave way to the me-first generations. Too busy with T-ball and soccer to go to church and now we wonder why. I have prayed for righteous men and women to take a stand in the hall of Congress. I am not giving up.

    1. No, Rhonda, we need to never give up!

      But at least the 70s gave us disco...

  4. All the ins and outs and details of politics are too hard to understand - and I'm one of those strange folk that enjoy following it all and doing hobby analysis! - but of course the root of all the disastrous things going on is simple. Sin and evil. I'm praying that the good few politicians have the courage and strength of conviction to fight the good fight, and that God works his will through it all. Very glad that HE is still sovereign, no matter how chaotic it becomes!

    Praying for you and for Barb too, my friend.

  5. American politics leaves me gobsmacked these days - but then so does our current UK government. It's UK oriented but there's a really interesting book by Alastair Campbell called But What Can I Do, which has really helped me understand how we have got to our current situation over the years.
    May God work in both our countries' coming elections.
